Require Import Vbase.
Require Import Relations Classical ClassicalDescription.
Require Import List Permutation Vlistbase Vlist extralib.
Require Import c11 rslassn rslassnlemmas rslmodel rslhmap.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Lemma go_back_one_val :
∀ lab sb rf hmap edge
(VALID : hmap_valid lab sb rf hmap (hb_fst edge))
(EV : edge_valid lab sb rf edge) hf
(GET : hmap edge = Hdef hf) l v
(LA : hf l = HVval v)
(NW: ¬ is_writeLV (lab (hb_fst edge)) l v),
∃ edge',
edge_valid lab sb rf edge' ∧
hb_snd edge' = hb_fst edge ∧
¬ is_writeL (lab (hb_fst edge)) l ∧
∃ hf', hmap edge' = Hdef hf' ∧
hf' l = HVval v.
unfold hmap_valid, unique; ins; desf; desf.
Case Askip.
destruct edge; ins; try by red in EV; rewrite Heq in *; desf.
edestruct vshift_def as [hf' VAL']; eauto; rewrite VAL' in ×.
assert (hf' l = HVval v).
symmetry in VAL'; eapply hplus_val_lD; eauto.
intros; eapply hsum_valD; eauto.
repeat (eapply In_map; repeat (eexists; try edone)).
by apply qOK.
assert (hf0 l = HVval v).
by eapply vshift_val with (l := l) in qEQ; rewrite H in ×.
clear qEQ LA.
eapply hsum_eq_val in pEQ; eauto; desf.
repeat (rewrite In_map in *; desf).
by eapply pOK in pEQ2; eexists (hb_sb _ _); ins; eauto 6.
Case Aalloc .
destruct edge; ins; try by red in EV; rewrite Heq in *; desf.
apply qU0 in EV; subst e'; rewrite GET in *; desf.
∃ (hb_sb pre e); ins; repeat (split; ins; desf);
rewrite ?hsum_one, ?hsum_nil, ?hplus_emp_l, ?hplus_emp_r in *; eauto.
by unfold hupd in *; ins; desf; vauto.
Case Aalloc .
destruct edge; ins; try by red in EV; rewrite Heq in *; desf.
apply qU0 in EV; subst e'; rewrite GET in *; desf.
∃ (hb_sb pre e); ins; repeat (split; ins; desf);
rewrite ?hsum_one, ?hsum_nil, ?hplus_emp_l, ?hplus_emp_r in *; eauto.
by unfold hupd in *; ins; desf; vauto.
Case Aload .
destruct edge; ins; try by red in EV; rewrite Heq in *; desf.
apply qU0 in EV; subst e'; rewrite GET in *; desf.
∃ (hb_sb pre e); ins; repeat (split; ins; desf);
rewrite ?hsum_one, ?hsum_nil, ?hplus_emp_l, ?hplus_emp_r in *; eauto.
Case Aload .
destruct edge; ins; try by red in EV; rewrite Heq in *; desf.
apply qU0 in EV; subst e'; rewrite GET in *; desf.
rewrite hplusC in qEQ.
symmetry in qEQ; eapply hplus_valD in qEQ; eauto; desf.
2: by unfold hupd in qEQ1; desf; desf.
eapply hplus_valD in qEQ; eauto; desf.
eapply hsum_eq_val in swsEQ; eauto; desf.
repeat (rewrite In_map in *; desf).
eapply swsOK in swsEQ2.
eexists (hb_sw _ e); repeat (split; try edone); vauto.
∃ (hb_sb pre e); repeat split; ins.
destruct (hmap (hb_sb pre e)); ins.
eexists; split; ins; instantiate; ins; clarify.
rewrite hplusC, hplus_unfold in *; desf.
by rewrite qEQ2; ins; desf.
Case Astore .
destruct edge; ins.
by rewrite wEQ in GET; unfold hemp in *; desf.
apply qU0 in EV; subst e'; rewrite GET in *; desf.
∃ (hb_sb pre e); ins; repeat (split; ins; desf);
rewrite ?hsum_one, ?hsum_nil, ?hplus_emp_l, ?hplus_emp_r in *; eauto.
intro; desf; destruct NW; split; ins; unfold hupd in *; desf; congruence.
eexists; split; try edone.
by unfold hupd in *; ins; desf; vauto; exfalso; eauto.
Case Astore .
∃ (hb_sb pre (hb_fst edge)); ins; do 2 (split; ins; desf);
rewrite ?hsum_one, ?hsum_nil, ?hplus_emp_l, ?hplus_emp_r in *; eauto.
edestruct vshift_def as [hf' VAL']; eauto; rewrite VAL' in ×.
assert (N: hf' l = HVval v).
{ eapply hplus_val_rD; eauto; ins.
destruct edge; ins.
eapply hplus_val_rD; eauto; clear h'' H; ins.
eapply hplus_val_lD; eauto; clear h'' H; ins.
eapply hsum_valD; eauto.
repeat (eapply In_map; repeat (eexists; try edone)).
by apply swsOK.
eapply hplus_val_lD; eauto; clear h'' H; ins.
apply qU0 in EV; subst e'; rewrite GET in *; desf.
assert (N': hf0 l = HVval v).
eapply vshift_val with (l := l) in UPD; rewrite N in *; try done.
unfold initialize, hupd in *; desf; congruence.
split; eauto; []; intro; desf.
apply hplus_def_inv in VAL'; desf.
generalize (PLUSv l); rewrite N; unfold hupd; desf; ins; desf.
Case Armw.
edestruct vshift_def as [hf' VAL']; eauto; rewrite VAL' in ×.
assert (N: hf' l = HVval v).
{ rewrite hplusC, !hplusA, <- hplusA in VAL'; eapply hplus_val_lD; eauto; ins.
destruct edge; ins.
eapply hplus_val_rD; eauto; clear h'' H; ins.
eapply hsum_valD; eauto.
repeat (eapply In_map; repeat (eexists; try edone)).
by apply swsOutOK.
eapply hplus_val_lD; eauto; clear h'' H; ins.
apply qU0 in EV; subst e'; rewrite GET in *; desf.
assert (N': hi l = HVval v).
by eapply vshift_val with (l := l) in UPD; rewrite N in ×.
assert (l0 ≠ l).
intro; eapply hplus_ra_lD in VAL'; eauto using hupds; desf; congruence.
eapply hplus_valD in iEQ; eauto; desf.
eexists (hb_sb pre _); repeat split; ins.
rewrite pEQ; eexists; split; ins; instantiate; ins; clarify; congruence.
eapply hsum_eq_val in iEQ0; eauto; desf.
repeat (rewrite In_map in *; desf); rewrite swsInOK in ×.
eexists (hb_sw _ _); repeat (split; try edone); vauto.
Lemma heap_loc_na_initialized2 :
∀ mt acts lab sb rf mo hmap V
(FIN: ExecutionFinite acts lab sb)
(ACYCLIC: IrreflexiveHB lab sb rf mo)
(CONS_A: ConsistentAlloc lab)
(HC: hist_closed mt lab sb rf mo V)
(VALID: hmap_valids lab sb rf hmap V)
edge (EV: edge_valid lab sb rf edge) (IN: In (hb_fst edge) V)
h (GET: hmap edge = Hdef h) l v (LA: h l = HVval v),
∃ cpre c hf,
sb cpre c ∧
is_writeLV (lab c) l v ∧
hmap (hb_sb cpre c) = Hdef hf ∧
is_val (hf l) ∧
(c = hb_fst edge ∨ happens_before lab sb rf mo c (hb_fst edge)) ∧
(∀ d
(HB1: d = hb_fst edge ∨ happens_before lab sb rf mo d (hb_fst edge))
(HB2: happens_before lab sb rf mo c d),
¬ is_writeL (lab d) l).
intros until h; revert h; pattern edge; eapply edge_depth_ind; eauto.
clear edge EV IN; intros.
generalize (VALID _ IN).
destruct (classic (is_writeLV (lab (hb_fst edge)) l v)) as [|NEQ]; eauto.
ins; red in H0; unfold unique in *; desf; ins; desf.
∃ pre; repeat eexists; try eapply H2; eauto.
by rewrite Heq.
by red; ins; desf; eauto with hb.
exfalso; destruct (hmap (hb_sb pre (hb_fst edge))); ins.
edestruct vshift_def as [hf' VAL']; eauto; rewrite VAL' in ×.
assert (N: hf' l = HVval v).
{ eapply hplus_val_rD; eauto; ins.
destruct edge; ins.
eapply hplus_val_rD; eauto; clear h'' H; ins.
eapply hplus_val_lD; eauto; clear h'' H; ins.
eapply hsum_valD; eauto.
repeat (eapply In_map; repeat (eexists; try edone)).
by apply swsOK.
eapply hplus_val_lD; eauto; clear h'' H; ins.
apply qU0 in EV; subst e'; rewrite GET in *; desf.
apply hplus_def_inv in VAL'; desf.
generalize (PLUSv l); rewrite hupds in *; ins; desf; congruence.
exfalso; destruct (hmap (hb_sb pre (hb_fst edge))); ins.
edestruct vshift_def as [hf' VAL']; eauto; rewrite VAL' in ×.
assert (N: hf' l = HVval v).
{ rewrite hplusC, !hplusA, <- hplusA in VAL'; eapply hplus_val_lD; eauto; ins.
destruct edge; ins.
eapply hplus_val_rD; eauto; clear h'' H; ins.
eapply hsum_valD; eauto.
repeat (eapply In_map; repeat (eexists; try edone)).
by apply swsOutOK.
eapply hplus_val_lD; eauto; clear h'' H; ins.
apply qU0 in EV; subst e'; rewrite GET in *; desf.
apply hplus_def_inv in VAL'; desf.
generalize (PLUSv l); rewrite hupds in *; ins; desf; congruence.
exploit go_back_one_val; eauto. ins; desf.
assert (HB: happens_before lab sb rf mo (hb_fst edge') (hb_fst edge)).
by destruct edge'; ins; subst; eauto with hb.
exploit (IH edge'); eauto.
intro; desf; repeat eexists; eauto with hb; ins; desf.
intro M; eapply x10, M; eauto.
assert (N: is_access (lab d)) by (clear - M; destruct (lab d); ins).
eapply valid_accessD in N; eauto using hist_closedD; desf.
replace (loc (lab d)) with l in × by (clear - M; destruct (lab d); ins; desf).
clear M; apply NNPP; intro M; apply not_or_and in M; desc.
assert (IND : independent lab sb rf mo (edge' :: hb_sb pre d :: nil)).
assert (happens_before lab sb rf mo (hb_fst edge) (hb_snd edge))
by (destruct edge; ins; eauto with hb).
assert (happens_before lab sb rf mo (hb_fst edge') (hb_snd edge'))
by (destruct edge'; ins; eauto with hb).
apply independent_two; ins; eauto; intro; desf; rewrite x1 in *;
eauto 6 with hb.
eapply independent_heap_compat in IND; eauto;
try (by ins; desf; ins; desf; eauto with hb).
desf; ins; rewrite hsum_two, N0, x3, hplus_unfold in IND; desf.
by specialize (h1 l); rewrite x4 in *; ins; desf.
by constructor; ins; intro; desf; ins; desf; eauto using t_trans, t_step.
intro M; eapply x10, M; eauto.
assert (N: is_access (lab d)) by (clear - M; destruct (lab d); ins).
eapply valid_accessD in N; eauto using hist_closedD; desf.
replace (loc (lab d)) with l in × by (clear - M; destruct (lab d); ins; desf).
clear M; apply NNPP; intro M; apply not_or_and in M; desc.
assert (IND : independent lab sb rf mo (edge' :: hb_sb pre d :: nil)).
assert (happens_before lab sb rf mo (hb_fst edge) (hb_snd edge))
by (destruct edge; ins; eauto with hb).
assert (happens_before lab sb rf mo (hb_fst edge') (hb_snd edge'))
by (destruct edge'; ins; eauto with hb).
apply independent_two; ins; eauto; intro; desf; rewrite x1 in *;
eauto 6 using t_step, t_trans with hb.
eapply independent_heap_compat in IND; eauto;
try (by ins; desf; ins; desf; eauto with hb).
desf; ins; rewrite hsum_two, N0, x3, hplus_unfold in IND; desf.
by specialize (h1 l); rewrite x4 in *; ins; desf.
by constructor; ins; intro; desf; ins; desf; eauto using t_trans, t_step.
Lemma hc_edge_hb mt lab sb rf mo a b :
happens_before lab sb rf mo a b →
clos_trans _ (hc_edge mt lab sb rf mo) a b.
induction 1; unfold imm_happens_before in *; desf;
eauto using hc_edge, clos_trans.
Lemma heap_loc_na_initialized :
∀ mt acts lab sb rf mo hmap V
(FIN: ExecutionFinite acts lab sb)
(IRR: IrreflexiveHB lab sb rf mo)
(ACYCLIC: acyclic (hc_edge mt lab sb rf mo))
(CONS_A: ConsistentAlloc lab)
(HC: hist_closed mt lab sb rf mo V)
(VALID: hmap_valids lab sb rf hmap V)
edge (EV: edge_valid lab sb rf edge) (IN: In (hb_fst edge) V)
h (GET: hmap edge = Hdef h) l v (LA: h l = HVval v),
∃ cpre c hf,
sb cpre c ∧
is_writeLV (lab c) l v ∧
hmap (hb_sb cpre c) = Hdef hf ∧
is_val (hf l) ∧
(c = hb_fst edge ∨ happens_before lab sb rf mo c (hb_fst edge)) ∧
(∀ d
(HB1: clos_refl_trans _ (hc_edge mt lab sb rf mo) d (hb_fst edge))
(HB2: clos_trans _ (hc_edge mt lab sb rf mo) c d),
¬ is_writeL (lab d) l).
intros until h; revert h; pattern edge; eapply edge_depth_ind; eauto.
clear edge EV IN; intros.
generalize (VALID _ IN).
destruct (classic (is_writeLV (lab (hb_fst edge)) l v)) as [|NEQ]; eauto.
ins; red in H0; unfold unique in *; desf; ins; desf.
∃ pre; repeat eexists; try eapply H2; eauto using clos_refl_trans.
by rewrite Heq.
by red; ins; rewrite clos_refl_transE in *; desf; eauto using t_trans.
exfalso; destruct (hmap (hb_sb pre (hb_fst edge))); ins.
edestruct vshift_def as [hf' VAL']; eauto; rewrite VAL' in ×.
assert (N: hf' l = HVval v).
{ eapply hplus_val_rD; eauto; ins.
destruct edge; ins.
eapply hplus_val_rD; eauto; clear h'' H; ins.
eapply hplus_val_lD; eauto; clear h'' H; ins.
eapply hsum_valD; eauto.
repeat (eapply In_map; repeat (eexists; try edone)).
by apply swsOK.
eapply hplus_val_lD; eauto; clear h'' H; ins.
apply qU0 in EV; subst e'; rewrite GET in *; desf.
apply hplus_def_inv in VAL'; desf.
generalize (PLUSv l); rewrite hupds in *; ins; desf; congruence.
exfalso; destruct (hmap (hb_sb pre (hb_fst edge))); ins.
edestruct vshift_def as [hf' VAL']; eauto; rewrite VAL' in ×.
assert (N: hf' l = HVval v).
{ rewrite hplusC, !hplusA, <- hplusA in VAL'; eapply hplus_val_lD; eauto; ins.
destruct edge; ins.
eapply hplus_val_rD; eauto; clear h'' H; ins.
eapply hsum_valD; eauto.
repeat (eapply In_map; repeat (eexists; try edone)).
by apply swsOutOK.
eapply hplus_val_lD; eauto; clear h'' H; ins.
apply qU0 in EV; subst e'; rewrite GET in *; desf.
apply hplus_def_inv in VAL'; desf.
generalize (PLUSv l); rewrite hupds in *; ins; desf; congruence.
exploit go_back_one_val; eauto. ins; desf.
assert (HB: happens_before lab sb rf mo (hb_fst edge') (hb_fst edge)).
by destruct edge'; ins; subst; eauto with hb.
exploit (IH edge'); eauto.
intro; desc; repeat eexists; eauto with hb; ins; desc.
by desf; eauto with hb.
rewrite clos_refl_transE in HB1; destruct HB1 as [HB1|HB1]; clarify.
intro M; eapply x10, M; eauto.
assert (N: is_access (lab d)) by (clear - M; destruct (lab d); ins).
eapply valid_accessD in N; try eapply VALID; desc.
2: by clear -HB1 HC IN; induction HB1; eauto.
replace (loc (lab d)) with l in × by (clear - M; destruct (lab d); ins; desf).
clear M; rewrite clos_refl_transE; apply NNPP; intro M; apply not_or_and in M; desc.
assert (IND : independent lab sb rf mo (edge' :: hb_sb pre d :: nil)).
assert (happens_before lab sb rf mo (hb_fst edge) (hb_snd edge))
by (destruct edge; ins; eauto with hb).
assert (happens_before lab sb rf mo (hb_fst edge') (hb_snd edge'))
by (destruct edge'; ins; eauto with hb).
apply independent_two; ins; eauto; intro; desf; rewrite x1 in *;
eauto 6 using hc_edge_hb, hc_edge, clos_trans with hb.
eapply independent_heap_compat in IND; eauto;
try (by ins; desf; ins; desf; eauto using hc_edge_hb, hc_edge with hb).
desf; ins; rewrite hsum_two, N0, x3, hplus_unfold in IND; desf;
by specialize (h1 l); rewrite x4 in *; ins; desf.
by constructor; ins; intros [X|X]; clarify; simpls; clarify; eauto.
clear x9; ins; desf; ins; eauto using hist_closedD.
assert (clos_trans actid (hc_edge mt lab sb rf mo) a (hb_fst edge)).
by eauto using hc_edge, clos_trans.
by clear -H0 HC IN; induction H0; eauto.
Lemma is_write_weaken typ l v : is_writeLV typ l v → is_writeL typ l.
Proof. destruct typ; ins; desf. Qed.
Lemma is_access_weaken typ l v : is_writeLV typ l v → is_access typ.
Proof. destruct typ; ins; desf. Qed.
Hint Resolve is_write_weaken is_access_weaken.
Lemma two_access_cases :
∀ mt pre a b acts lab sb rf mo hmap V hf
(FIN: ExecutionFinite acts lab sb)
(ACYCLIC: IrreflexiveHB lab sb rf mo)
(CONS_A: ConsistentAlloc lab)
(HC: hist_closed mt lab sb rf mo V)
(VALID: hmap_valids lab sb rf hmap V)
(INa : In a V)
(INb : In b V)
(SB : sb pre a) (HD: hmap (hb_sb pre a) = Hdef hf) (IV: is_val (hf (loc (lab a))))
(B : is_access (lab b)) (LOC : loc (lab a) = loc (lab b)),
a = b ∨ happens_before lab sb rf mo a b ∨ happens_before lab sb rf mo b a.
eapply valid_accessD in B; eauto; desf.
apply NNPP; intro X; apply not_or_and in X; desc; apply not_or_and in X0; desc.
rewrite LOC in ×.
assert (IND: independent lab sb rf mo (hb_sb pre a :: hb_sb pre0 b :: nil)).
by apply independent_two; ins; intro; desf; eauto with hb.
eapply independent_heap_compat in IND; eauto;
try (by ins; desf; ins; desf; eauto with hb).
desf; ins; rewrite hsum_two, HD, B0, hplus_unfold in IND; desf.
by specialize (h0 (loc (lab b))); unfold is_val in *; desf; ins; desf.
by constructor; ins; intro; desf; ins; desf; eauto using t_trans, t_step.
Lemma hb_prev :
∀ lab sb rf mo a p n,
happens_before lab sb rf mo a n →
(∀ x, sb x n → x = p) →
(∀ x, synchronizes_with lab sb rf mo x n → x = p) →
a = p ∨ happens_before lab sb rf mo a p.
ins; apply clos_trans_tn1_iff in H.
destruct H; destruct H; try rewrite ?(H0 _ H), ?(H1 _ H) in *; eauto;
by right; apply clos_tn1_trans.
Lemma go_back_one_na :
∀ lab sb rf hmap edge
(VALID : hmap_valid lab sb rf hmap (hb_fst edge))
(EV : edge_valid lab sb rf edge) hf
(GET : hmap edge = Hdef hf) l
(LA : is_val (hf l))
(NW: lab (hb_fst edge) ≠ Aalloc l),
∃ edge',
edge_valid lab sb rf edge' ∧
hb_snd edge' = hb_fst edge ∧
∃ hf', hmap edge' = Hdef hf' ∧
is_val (hf' l).
unfold hmap_valid, unique; ins; desf; desf.
Case Askip.
destruct edge; ins; try by red in EV; rewrite Heq in *; desf.
edestruct vshift_def as [hf' VAL']; eauto; rewrite VAL' in ×.
assert (is_val (hf' l)).
eapply hplus_has_val_l; eauto.
ins; eapply hsum_has_val; eauto.
repeat (eapply In_map; repeat (eexists; try edone)).
by apply qOK.
assert (is_val (hf0 l)).
by eapply vshift_val with (l := l) in qEQ; congruence.
clear qEQ LA.
eapply hsum_is_val in pEQ; eauto; desf.
repeat (rewrite In_map in *; desf).
by eapply pOK in pEQ2; eexists (hb_sb _ _); ins; eauto 6.
Case Aalloc .
destruct edge; ins; try by red in EV; rewrite Heq in *; desf.
apply qU0 in EV; subst e'; rewrite GET in *; desf.
∃ (hb_sb pre e); ins; repeat (split; ins; desf);
rewrite ?hsum_one, ?hsum_nil, ?hplus_emp_l, ?hplus_emp_r in *; eauto.
by unfold hupd in *; ins; desf; vauto.
Case Aalloc .
destruct edge; ins; try by red in EV; rewrite Heq in *; desf.
apply qU0 in EV; subst e'; rewrite GET in *; desf.
∃ (hb_sb pre e); ins; repeat (split; ins; desf);
rewrite ?hsum_one, ?hsum_nil, ?hplus_emp_l, ?hplus_emp_r in *; eauto.
by unfold hupd in *; ins; desf; vauto.
Case Aload .
destruct edge; ins; try by red in EV; rewrite Heq in *; desf.
apply qU0 in EV; subst e'; rewrite GET in *; desf.
∃ (hb_sb pre e); ins; repeat (split; ins; desf);
rewrite ?hsum_one, ?hsum_nil, ?hplus_emp_l, ?hplus_emp_r in *; eauto.
Case Aload .
destruct edge; ins; try by red in EV; rewrite Heq in *; desf.
apply qU0 in EV; subst e'; rewrite GET in *; desf.
rewrite hplusC in qEQ.
symmetry in qEQ; eapply hplus_is_val in qEQ; eauto; desf.
2: by unfold hupd in qEQ1; desf; desf.
eapply hplus_is_val in qEQ; eauto; desf.
eapply hsum_is_val in swsEQ; eauto; desf.
repeat (rewrite In_map in *; desf); rewrite swsOK in ×.
by eexists (hb_sw _ _); ins; eauto 6.
∃ (hb_sb pre e); repeat split; ins.
destruct (hmap (hb_sb pre e)); ins.
eexists; split; ins; instantiate; ins; clarify.
rewrite hplusC, hplus_unfold in *; desf.
by destruct (hf3 l); ins; desf.
Case Astore .
destruct edge; ins.
by rewrite wEQ in GET; unfold hemp in *; desf.
apply qU0 in EV; subst e'; rewrite GET in *; desf.
∃ (hb_sb pre e); ins; repeat (split; ins; desf);
rewrite ?hsum_one, ?hsum_nil, ?hplus_emp_l, ?hplus_emp_r in *; eauto.
eexists; split; try edone.
by unfold hupd in *; ins; desf; vauto; exfalso; eauto.
Case Astore .
∃ (hb_sb pre (hb_fst edge)); ins; do 2 (split; ins; desf);
rewrite ?hsum_one, ?hsum_nil, ?hplus_emp_l, ?hplus_emp_r in *; eauto.
edestruct vshift_def as [hf' VAL']; eauto; rewrite VAL' in ×.
repeat (eexists; try edone).
assert (N: is_val (hf' l)).
{ eapply hplus_has_val_r; eauto; ins.
destruct edge; ins.
eapply hplus_has_val_r; eauto; clear h'' H; ins.
eapply hplus_has_val_l; eauto; clear h'' H; ins.
eapply hsum_has_val; eauto.
repeat (eapply In_map; repeat (eexists; try edone)).
by apply swsOK.
eapply hplus_has_val_l; eauto; clear h'' H; ins.
apply qU0 in EV; subst e'; rewrite GET in *; desf.
eapply vshift_val with (l := l) in UPD; try congruence.
rewrite UPD in *; unfold initialize, hupd in *; desf; congruence.
Case Armw.
edestruct vshift_def as [hf' VAL']; eauto; rewrite VAL' in ×.
assert (N: is_val (hf' l)).
{ rewrite hplusC, !hplusA, <- hplusA in VAL'; eapply hplus_has_val_l; eauto; ins.
destruct edge; ins.
eapply hplus_has_val_r; eauto; clear h'' H; ins.
eapply hsum_has_val; eauto.
repeat (eapply In_map; repeat (eexists; try edone)).
by apply swsOutOK.
eapply hplus_has_val_l; eauto; clear h'' H; ins.
apply qU0 in EV; subst e'; rewrite GET in *; desf.
assert (l0 ≠ l).
by intro; eapply hplus_ra_lD in VAL'; eauto using hupds; desf; rewrite VAL' in ×.
eapply vshift_val with (l := l) in UPD; try congruence.
rewrite UPD in *; unfold initialize, hupd in *; desf.
eapply hplus_is_val in iEQ; eauto; desf; desf.
eexists (hb_sb pre _); repeat split; ins.
rewrite pEQ; eexists; split; ins; instantiate; ins; congruence.
eapply hsum_is_val in iEQ0; eauto; desf.
repeat (rewrite In_map in *; desf); rewrite swsInOK in ×.
eexists (hb_sw _ _); repeat (split; try edone); vauto.
Lemma heap_loc_na_allocated :
∀ mt acts lab sb rf mo hmap V
(FIN: ExecutionFinite acts lab sb)
(ACYCLIC: IrreflexiveHB lab sb rf mo)
(CONS_A: ConsistentAlloc lab)
(HC: hist_closed mt lab sb rf mo V)
(VALID: hmap_valids lab sb rf hmap V)
edge (EV: edge_valid lab sb rf edge) (IN: In (hb_fst edge) V)
h (GET: hmap edge = Hdef h) l (LA: is_val (h l)),
∃ cpre c hf,
sb cpre c ∧
lab cpre = Aalloc l ∧
hmap (hb_sb cpre c) = Hdef hf ∧
hf l = HVuval ∧
(cpre = hb_fst edge ∨ happens_before lab sb rf mo cpre (hb_fst edge)).
intros until h; revert h; pattern edge; eapply edge_depth_ind; eauto.
clear edge EV IN; intros.
destruct (classic (lab (hb_fst edge) = Aalloc l)) as [|NEQ]; eauto.
generalize (VALID _ IN).
clear IH; unfold hmap_valid; desf; ins; desc.
destruct edge; ins.
by destruct EV; rewrite Heq in ×.
eapply qU in EV; subst; rewrite GET in *; desf;
rewrite hupds in *; desf.
destruct qU; eauto 10 using hupds.
exploit go_back_one_na; eauto; ins; desf.
assert (HB: happens_before lab sb rf mo (hb_fst edge') (hb_fst edge)).
by destruct edge'; ins; subst; eauto with hb.
exploit (IH edge'); eauto.
intro; desf; repeat (eexists; eauto with hb); ins; desf; eauto.
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