Auxiliary lemmas for the soundness proof

Require Import Vbase Varith.
Require Import Relations Classical ClassicalDescription.
Require Import List Permutation Vlistbase Vlist extralib.
Require Import c11 rslassn rslmodel rslassnlemmas.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Lemmas about view shifts

Lemma vshift_refl h : vshift h h.
Proof. vauto. Qed.

Lemma vshift_eqI x y : x = y vshift x y.
Proof. intros; subst; eapply vshift_refl. Qed.

Lemma vshift_trans h1 h2 h3: vshift h1 h2 vshift h2 h3 vshift h1 h3.
Proof. vauto. Qed.

Lemma vshift_star_l :
   h h1 h1' (V1: vshift h1 h1'),
    vshift (hplus h1 h) (hplus h1' h).
  induction 1; ins; eauto using vshift_refl, vshift_trans.

Lemma vshift_star :
   h1 h1' (V1: vshift h1 h1') h2 h2' (V1: vshift h2 h2'),
    vshift (hplus h1 h2) (hplus h1' h2').
  ins; eapply vshift_trans, vshift_star_l; eauto.
  by rewrite !(hplusC h1); apply vshift_star_l.

Lemma vshift_star_def :
   h1 h1' (V1: vshift h1 h1') h (D: hplus h1 h Hundef),
    hplus h1' h Hundef.
  induction 1; ins; eauto.

Lemma vshift_def :
   hf y,
    vshift (Hdef hf) y
     hf', y = Hdef hf'.
  intros; remember (Hdef hf) as x; revert hf Heqx.
  induction H; ins; subst; eauto.
  by edestruct IHclos_refl_trans1; desf; eauto.

Lemma vshift_nalloc :
   hf hf' l,
    vshift (Hdef hf) (Hdef hf')
    hf l = HVnone
    hf' l = HVnone.
  intros until 1.
  remember (Hdef hf) as x; remember (Hdef hf') as y; revert hf hf' Heqx Heqy.
  induction H; ins; subst; desf.
  by eapply vshift_def in H; desf; eauto.

Lemma vshift_val :
   hf hf' l,
    vshift (Hdef hf) (Hdef hf')
    is_val (hf' l)
    hf' l = hf l.
  intros until 1.
  remember (Hdef hf) as x; remember (Hdef hf') as y; revert hf hf' Heqx Heqy.
  induction H; ins; subst; desf.
     by edestruct (vshift_def H); subst;
        rewrite (IHclos_refl_trans2 _ _ eq_refl eq_refl H1) in H1 |- *; auto.

Lemma vshift_ra :
   hf hf' l PP QQ isrmw init,
    vshift (Hdef hf) (Hdef hf')
    hf' l = HVra PP QQ isrmw init
     PP' QQ' isrmw' init',
      hf l = HVra PP' (fun vmk_assn_mod (Astar (sval (QQ v)) (QQ' v))) isrmw' init'
       ( v, implies (sval (PP v)) (sval (PP' v)))
       (isrmw isrmw')
       (init init').
  intros until 1.
  remember (Hdef hf) as x; remember (Hdef hf') as y; revert hf hf' Heqx Heqy.
  revert PP QQ isrmw init;
  induction H; ins; subst; desf.

PP, (fun _Aemp), isrmw, init; repeat split; try red; ins.
    by rewrite H; f_equal; extensionality y; apply assn_mod_eqI; Asim_simpl.

    rename IHclos_refl_trans1 into X, IHclos_refl_trans2 into Y.
    edestruct (vshift_def H); subst.
    specialize (Y _ _ _ _ _ _ eq_refl eq_refl H1); desf.
    specialize (X _ _ _ _ _ _ eq_refl eq_refl Y); desf; vauto.
rewrite X; eexists _,(fun vAstar (QQ' v) (QQ'0 v)),_,_.
    split; [f_equal; try done|by unfold implies in *; intuition].
    extensionality y; apply assn_mod_eqI; ins; Asim_simpl; eauto using Asim.

Lemma vshift_hack:
   x y, vshift x y x = y.
Proof. split; ins; vauto; induction H; ins; congruence. Qed.

Various helper lemmas

Hint Unfold imm_happens_before.

Lemma hupds A h l (y : A) : hupd h l y l = y.
Proof. unfold hupd; desf; congruence. Qed.

Lemma hist_closed_trans :
   mt lab sb rf mo V (HC: hist_closed mt lab sb rf mo V)
    a b (TR: clos_refl_trans _ sb a b) (IN: In b V), In a V.
Proof. induction 2; ins; eauto using hc_edge. Qed.

Lemma hist_closedD :
   mt lab sb rf mo V (HC: hist_closed mt lab sb rf mo V)
    a b (TR: happens_before lab sb rf mo a b) (IN: In b V), In a V.
Proof. induction 2; ins; unfold imm_happens_before in *; desf; eauto using hc_edge. Qed.

Lemma happens_before_trans lab sb rf mo a b c :
  happens_before lab sb rf mo a b
  happens_before lab sb rf mo b c
  happens_before lab sb rf mo a c.
Proof. apply t_trans. Qed.

Lemma happens_before_sb lab (sb : relation actid) rf mo a b :
  sb a b happens_before lab sb rf mo a b.
Proof. ins; apply t_step; auto. Qed.

Lemma happens_before_sw lab sb rf mo a b :
  synchronizes_with lab sb rf mo a b happens_before lab sb rf mo a b.
Proof. ins; apply t_step; auto. Qed.

Lemma happens_before_ann_sw lab sb rf mo a b :
  ann_sw lab rf a b happens_before lab sb rf mo a b.
  ins; apply t_step; red in H; desf; right; repeat (eexists; eauto); vauto.

Lemma clos_trans_hbE :
   lab sb rf mo a b (HB: clos_trans actid (happens_before lab sb rf mo) a b),
    happens_before lab sb rf mo a b.
  induction 1; vauto.

Hint Immediate clos_trans_hbE : hb.

Hint Resolve
  happens_before_sb happens_before_sw happens_before_ann_sw
  happens_before_trans t_step hist_closedD : hb.

Lemma count_implies :
   (T: eqType) (f1 f2 : T bool) (IMP : x, f1 x f2 x) l,
  count f1 l count f2 l.
  induction l; ins; desf; eauto.
  by rewrite IMP in Heq0.

Lemma hasP' :
   (T : eqType) (a : pred T) (l : list_predType T),
    reflect ( x : T, In x l a x) (has a l).
  ins; case hasP; intro H; constructor; try red; intros; destruct H; desf.
    by apply/inP in H; eauto.
  by x; try apply/inP; eauto.

Lemma clos_refl_transE X rel a b :
    clos_refl_trans X rel a b a = b clos_trans X rel a b.
  split; ins; desf; try induction H; desf; eauto using clos_refl_trans, clos_trans.

Lemma clos_refl_trans_hbE :
   lab sb rf mo a b,
    clos_refl_trans actid (happens_before lab sb rf mo) a b
    happens_before lab sb rf mo a b a = b.
  unfold happens_before; induction 1; desf; vauto.

Lemma helper_perm_filter_post :
   e T,
     posts_sb posts_sw,
      Permutation T (filter (fun x : hbcasehb_fst x != e) T ++
                     map (hb_sb e) posts_sb ++
                     map (hb_sw e) posts_sw).
  induction T as [|hb T']; ins; desc.
     by nil, nil.
  case eqP; ins; subst; [|eby do 2 eexists; eapply Permutation_cons].
  destruct hb; ins.
    eexists _,(_::_); rewrite <- appA in *; ins.
    by eapply Permutation_trans, Permutation_middle; eauto.
  by eexists (_ :: _),_; ins; eapply Permutation_trans, Permutation_middle; eauto.

Lemma has_sw_succs acts lab sb rf a :
  ExecutionFinite acts lab sb
    << NDsws: NoDup sws >>
    << INsws: x, In x sws ann_sw lab rf a x >>.
   (undup (filter (fun xmydec (ann_sw lab rf a x)) acts)).
  unfold NW; split; [by apply/uniqP; apply undup_uniq|].
  intros; rewrite (In_mem_eq (mem_undup (T:=nat_eqType) _)), In_filter.
  unfold mydec; desf; split; ins; desf; eauto.
  split; try done.
  red in H; red in H0; desf.
  generalize (CLOlab x); destruct (lab x); ins; vauto; eapply H; done.

Lemma has_sw_pres acts lab sb rf a :
  ExecutionFinite acts lab sb
    << NDsws: NoDup sws >>
    << INsws: x, In x sws ann_sw lab rf x a >>.
   (undup (filter (fun xmydec (ann_sw lab rf x a)) acts)).
  unfold NW; split; [by apply/uniqP; apply undup_uniq|].
  intros; rewrite (In_mem_eq (mem_undup (T:=nat_eqType) _)), In_filter.
  unfold mydec; desf; split; ins; desf; eauto.
  split; try done.
  red in H; red in H0; desf.
  generalize (CLOlab x); destruct (lab x); ins; vauto; eapply H; done.

Definition wf_ltof A (f : A nat) :
  well_founded (fun x yf x < f y).
  by apply Wf_nat.well_founded_lt_compat with f; intros x y; case ltP.

A few lemmas about Permutations

Lemma In_implies_perm A (x : A) l (IN: In x l) :
   l', Permutation l (x :: l').
  induction l; ins; desf; eauto.
  destruct IHl; eauto using Permutation.

Lemma Permutation_count A l l' (P : Permutation (A:=A) l l') f :
  count f l = count f l'.
  induction P; ins; desf; congruence.

Lemma Permutation_hmap_valids :
   l l' (P : Permutation l l') lab sb rf hmap,
    hmap_valids lab sb rf hmap l
    hmap_valids lab sb rf hmap l'.
  by red; ins; eapply H, Permutation_in, IN; apply Permutation_sym.

Lemma Permutation_hist_closed :
   l l' (P : Permutation l l') mt lab sb rf mo,
    hist_closed mt lab sb rf mo l
    hist_closed mt lab sb rf mo l'.
  red; ins; eapply H in HB.
    by apply (Permutation_in _ P) in HB.
  by eapply Permutation_in, IN; eauto using Permutation_sym.

Lemma Consistent_perm :
   acts lab sb rf mo sc mt (CONS : Consistent acts lab sb rf mo sc mt)
         acts' (EQ: perm_eq acts acts'),
    Consistent acts' lab sb rf mo sc mt.
  unfold Consistent; ins; desf; intuition.
  red in FIN; desf; split; red; ins; rewrite <- !(In_perm _ _ _ EQ) in *; eauto.

Lemma weakConsistent_perm :
   acts lab sb rf mo sc mt (CONS : weakConsistent acts lab sb rf mo sc mt)
         acts' (EQ: perm_eq acts acts'),
    weakConsistent acts' lab sb rf mo sc mt.
  unfold weakConsistent; ins; desf; intuition.
  red in FIN; desf; split; red; ins; rewrite <- !(In_perm _ _ _ EQ) in *; eauto.

Lemma weakConsistent_Permutation :
   acts lab sb rf mo sc mt (CONS : weakConsistent acts lab sb rf mo sc mt)
         acts' (EQ: Permutation acts acts'),
    weakConsistent acts' lab sb rf mo sc mt.
  unfold weakConsistent; ins; desf; intuition.
  red in FIN; desf; split; red; ins.
    by apply (Permutation_in _ EQ), CLOlab.
  by apply CLOsb in H; desf; split; apply (Permutation_in _ EQ).

Lemma Permutation_flatten A l l' (P : Permutation l l') :
  Permutation (A:=A) (flatten l) (flatten l').
  induction P; ins; rewrite ?flatten_cons, <- ?appA;
  eauto using Permutation, Permutation_app, Permutation_app_comm.

Lemma hc_edge_irr acts lab sb rf mo sc mt :
  weakConsistent acts lab sb rf mo sc mt
  irreflexive (hc_edge mt lab sb rf mo).
  unfold weakConsistent, irreflexive; ins; desf.
  destruct H0; ins; eauto with hb; destruct mt; ins; desf; eauto 7 with hb.

Depth metric

Definition is_pred A (rel : A A Prop) B a :=
  has (fun bmydec (clos_refl_trans A rel a b)) B.

Definition depth_metric A (rel: A A Prop) V a :=
  count (is_pred rel a) V.

Lemma clos_transK T (rel: relation T) x y :
  clos_trans _ (clos_trans _ rel) x y
  clos_trans _ rel x y.
Proof. induction 1; eauto using clos_trans. Qed.

Lemma clos_refl_transD T rel a b :
  clos_refl_trans T rel a b a = b clos_trans T rel a b.
Proof. induction 1; desf; eauto using clos_trans. Qed.

Lemma depth_lt (rel : relation actid) V A B
  (HB : a, In a A ¬ In a B
         b, In b B rel a b)
  b (IN : In b B) (NIN: ¬ In b A)
  (NHB: a, In a A ¬ clos_trans _ rel b a)
  (SUB: b, In b B In b V) :
  depth_metric rel V A < depth_metric rel V B.
  unfold depth_metric; ins.
  assert (IMP: x, is_pred rel A x is_pred rel B x).
    clear -HB; unfold is_pred, mydec; ins; desf.
    apply/@hasP'; apply/@hasP' in H; destruct H; desf.
    destruct (inP x0 B); [by x0; ins; desf|].
    eapply HB in H; desf; eexists; split; try edone; desf.
    by exfalso; eauto using rt_trans, rt_step.
  assert (P1: is_pred rel B b).
    unfold is_pred, mydec; desf.
    eapply In_split in IN; desf.
    rewrite has_app; ins; desf; clarsimp.
    by destruct n; vauto.
  assert (P2: is_pred rel A b = false).
    clear -NHB NIN; apply/hasP'; unfold mydec; intro; desf; eauto.
    by apply clos_refl_transD in c; unfold not in *; desf; eauto.
  assert (IN' : In b V) by eauto.
  eapply In_split in IN'; desf; rewrite !count_app; ins.
  ins; rewrite P1, P2, addnS, ltnS.
  eauto using len_add, count_implies.

A useful induction principle for happens-before graphs.

Lemma edge_depth_ind mt lab sb rf mo V
  (ACYCLIC: IrreflexiveHB lab sb rf mo)
  (HC: hist_closed mt lab sb rf mo V) (P : hbcase Prop) :
  ( edge
    (IH: edge' (EV : edge_valid lab sb rf edge')
            (LT: happens_before lab sb rf mo (hb_fst edge') (hb_fst edge)),
      P edge')
    (EV : edge_valid lab sb rf edge)
    (IN : In (hb_fst edge) V),
    P edge)
   edge (EV : edge_valid lab sb rf edge), In (hb_fst edge) V P edge.
  intros until edge.
  generalize (S (depth_metric (happens_before lab sb rf mo) V (hb_fst edge :: nil))),
             (ltnSn (depth_metric (happens_before lab sb rf mo) V (hb_fst edge :: nil))).
  intro n'.
  revert edge; induction n'; ins.
  eapply H; ins; eapply IHn'; ins; eauto.
  2: by clear -HC LT H1; induction LT; unfold imm_happens_before in *; desf;
        eauto with hb.
  eapply ltn_len_trans, H0.
  eapply depth_lt; ins; desf; eauto; instantiate; rewrite addn0 in *;
    intro; desf; [rewrite H2 in *|]; eauto using t_step, t_trans, clos_trans_hbE.

Lemma edge_depth_ind2 mt lab sb rf mo V
  (ACYCLIC: acyclic (hc_edge mt lab sb rf mo))
  (HC: hist_closed mt lab sb rf mo V) (P : hbcase Prop) :
  ( edge
    (IH: edge' (EV : edge_valid lab sb rf edge')
            (LT: clos_trans _ (hc_edge mt lab sb rf mo) (hb_fst edge') (hb_fst edge)),
      P edge')
    (EV : edge_valid lab sb rf edge)
    (IN : In (hb_fst edge) V),
    P edge)
   edge (EV : edge_valid lab sb rf edge), In (hb_fst edge) V P edge.
  intros until edge.
  generalize (S (depth_metric (clos_trans _ (hc_edge mt lab sb rf mo)) V (hb_fst edge :: nil))),
             (ltnSn (depth_metric (clos_trans _ (hc_edge mt lab sb rf mo)) V (hb_fst edge :: nil))).
  intro n'.
  revert edge; induction n'; ins.
  eapply H; ins; eapply IHn'; ins; eauto.
  2: by clear -HC LT H1; induction LT; unfold imm_happens_before in *; desf;
        eauto with hb.
  eapply ltn_len_trans, H0.
  eapply depth_lt; ins; desf; eauto; instantiate; rewrite addn0 in *;
    intro; desf; [rewrite H2 in *|]; eauto using t_step, t_trans, clos_transK.

Fixpoint find_max A (curr : A) f l :=
  match l with
    | nilcurr
    | x :: xs
      if f curr f x then find_max x f xs else find_max curr f xs

Lemma find_max_range :
   A (curr: A) f l,
    In (find_max curr f l) (curr :: l).
  induction[curr] l; ins; desf; firstorder.

Lemma find_max_greatest :
   A (x curr: A) f l (IN: In x (curr :: l)),
    f x f (find_max curr f l).
  induction[x curr] l; ins; desf; eauto using len_trans, lenT.

Given a non-empty set of edges, T, there is always an edge whose source node does not happen before any of the sources of the other edges.

Lemma get_deepest :
   lab sb rf mo (ACYCLIC: IrreflexiveHB lab sb rf mo)
         mt V (HC: hist_closed mt lab sb rf mo V)
         T (NNIL: T nil)
         (INCL: edge (IN: In edge T), In (hb_fst edge) V),
    << IN: In edge T >>
    << INe: In (hb_fst edge) V >>
    << DEEP: edge' (IN': In edge' T)
                 (HB': happens_before lab sb rf mo (hb_fst edge) (hb_fst edge')),
               False >>.
  destruct T; unfold depth_metric in *; ins; vauto.
  pose (f x := depth_metric (happens_before lab sb rf mo) V (hb_fst x :: nil)).

  assert (IN:= find_max_range h f T).
  eexists; unfold NW; repeat split; eauto; ins.
  assert (D := find_max_greatest f IN'); ins.
  specialize (INCL _ IN'); clear IN IN'; subst f.
  erewrite lenE, depth_lt in D; ins; desf; try intro; desf.
    by (hb_fst edge'); vauto.
    by left; reflexivity.
    by rewrite H in *; eauto using t_step.
    by eauto using t_step, t_trans, clos_trans_hbE.

Fixpoint find_min A (curr : A) f l :=
  match l with
    | nilcurr
    | x :: xs
      if f x f curr then find_min x f xs else find_min curr f xs

Lemma find_min_range :
   A (curr: A) f l,
    In (find_min curr f l) (curr :: l).
  induction[curr] l; ins; desf; firstorder.

Lemma find_min_greatest :
   A (x curr: A) f l (IN: In x (curr :: l)),
    f (find_min curr f l) f x.
  induction[x curr] l; ins; desf; eauto using len_trans, lenT.

Lemma get_shallow :
   mt lab sb rf mo (ACYCLIC: with_mt mt AcyclicMedium AcyclicStrong lab sb rf mo)
         V (HC: hist_closed mt lab sb rf mo V)
         T (HC': hist_closed mt lab sb rf mo (V ++ T)) (NNIL: T nil),
    << IN: In e T >>
    << HC: hist_closed mt lab sb rf mo (e :: V) >>.
  destruct T; unfold depth_metric in *; ins; vauto.
  pose (f x := depth_metric (hc_edge mt lab sb rf mo) (V ++ a :: T) (x :: nil)).

  assert (IN:= find_min_range a f T).

  eexists; unfold NW; repeat split; eauto; ins.
  red; ins; destruct IN0; eauto; subst.
  generalize HB; eapply HC' in HB; eauto.
  2: by destruct IN as [<-|]; eauto using In_appI1, In_appI2, In_cons, In_eq.
  rewrite In_app in HB; destruct HB as [|H]; vauto; intro.
  eapply find_min_greatest with (f:=f) in H.
  exfalso; clear IN.
  rewrite lenE in H; apply/negP in H; destruct H.
  eapply depth_lt; eauto using In_eq; ins; desf.
    by destruct HB; eauto using hc_edge with hb .
    by destruct mt; ins; intro; desf; destruct HB; desf; eauto 8 with hb.
    intro H.
    assert (X: clos_trans actid (hc_edge mt lab sb rf mo) a0 a0) by eauto using clos_trans.
    destruct mt; apply (ACYCLIC a0); revert X; clear;
    generalize a0 at 1 3; induction 1; eauto using clos_trans;
    by destruct H; desf; auto with hb.
  assert (IN:= find_min_range a f T).
  by destruct IN as [<-|]; eauto using In_appI1, In_appI2, In_cons, In_eq.

Memory safety

In order to prove memory safety, we need two auxiliary lemmas.
1. If a location, l, is not in the domain of any of the annotated heap on the incoming edges of a validly allocated node, and it is in the domain of the heap annotated on some outgoing edge, then that node must be an allocation node.

Lemma only_alloc_allocates:
   lab sb rf hmap edge h l
    (VAL: hmap_valid lab sb rf hmap (hb_fst edge))
    (EV : edge_valid lab sb rf edge)
    (HM : hmap edge = Hdef h)
    (ALL: h l HVnone)
    (NAb: x h, sb x (hb_fst edge)
                      hmap (hb_sb x (hb_fst edge)) = Hdef h h l = HVnone)
    (NAw: x h, ann_sw lab rf x (hb_fst edge)
                      hmap (hb_sw x (hb_fst edge)) = Hdef h h l = HVnone),
    lab (hb_fst edge) = Aalloc l.
  ins; unfold hmap_valid, unique in VAL.
  desf; try first [progress f_equal|exfalso]; desf; destruct edge; ins; desf;
   try (by red in EV; rewrite Heq in EV; desc);
   try (eapply qU0 in EV; desf);
   try (by rewrite HM in *; desf; unfold hupd in *; desf; desf;
           exploit NAb; eauto).

  assert (X: In e' posts) by (by apply qOK).
  edestruct vshift_def as [hf' VAL']; eauto; rewrite VAL' in ×.
  eapply In_split in X; desf; rewrite !map_app, hsum_app in *;
  ins; rewrite hsum_cons, HM in ×.
  assert (hf' l HVnone).
    by intro; symmetry in VAL'; eapply hplus_nalloc in VAL'; eauto;
       desf; eapply hplus_nalloc in VAL'; eauto; desf;
       eapply hplus_nalloc in VAL'3; eauto; desf.
  eapply hsum_alloc in pEQ; eauto; desf; eauto using vshift_nalloc.
  eby repeat (rewrite In_map in *; desf);
      exploit NAb; try eapply pOK.

  rewrite qEQ in ×.
  eapply hplus_alloc in HM; eauto; desf.
    unfold hupd in HM0; desf; subst; try done.
    clear ALL; exploit NAb; eauto; ins.
    symmetry in pEQ'; eapply hplus_nalloc in pEQ'; eauto.
    by desf; rewrite hupds in ×.
  eapply hplus_alloc in HM; eauto; desf.
    by eapply hsum_alloc in swsEQ; eauto; desc;
       repeat (rewrite In_map in *; desf);
       eapply swsOK in swsEQ2; eauto.
  rewrite hplus_unfold in *; desf; intuition eauto.
  exploit NAb; eauto; instantiate; intro M; ins.
  by unfold hupd in M; desf; ins; desf.

  by rewrite wEQ in HM; unfold hemp in *; desf.

  rewrite HM in *; desf; unfold hupd in *; desf; desf;
  by exploit NAb; eauto; intro X; rewrite X in ×.

  specialize (NAb pre);
  destruct (hmap (hb_sb pre e)); desf;
  specialize (NAb _ pU eq_refl).
  destruct (vshift_def UPD) as [hf' VAL']; rewrite VAL' in *; symmetry in VAL'.
  eapply hplus_nalloc in VAL'; eauto; desf.
  2: eapply vshift_nalloc with (l := l); eauto;
     unfold initialize, hupd; desf; congruence.
  eapply hplus_nalloc in VAL'1; eauto; desf.
  eapply hplus_nalloc in VAL'4; eauto; desf.
  eapply hsum_nalloc in VAL'4;
    repeat (eapply In_map; repeat eexists; try eapply swsOK); desf; eauto.

  specialize (NAb pre);
  destruct (hmap (hb_sb pre e)); desf;
  specialize (NAb _ pU eq_refl).
  destruct (vshift_def UPD) as [hf' VAL']; rewrite VAL' in *; symmetry in VAL'.
  eapply hplus_nalloc in VAL'; desf.
  2: eapply vshift_nalloc with (l := l); eauto;
     unfold initialize, hupd; desf; congruence.
  eapply hplus_nalloc in VAL'1; eauto; desf; congruence.

  specialize (NAb pre); rewrite pEQ in *; desf;
  specialize (NAb _ pU eq_refl).
  assert (hi l = HVnone).
    clear - swsInOK pEQ' iEQ NAb NAw; apply NNPP; intro.
    eapply hplus_alloc in iEQ; eauto; desf; ins; desf.
    eapply hsum_alloc in iEQ; eauto; desf; ins; desf.
    by repeat (rewrite In_map in *; desf); rewrite swsInOK in *; eauto.
  destruct (vshift_def UPD) as [hf' VAL']; rewrite VAL' in *; symmetry in VAL'.
  eapply hplus_nalloc with (loc := l) in VAL'; eauto; desf.
  2: eapply vshift_nalloc with (l := l); eauto;
     unfold initialize, hupd; desf; congruence.
  eapply hplus_nalloc with (loc := l) in VAL'1; eauto; desf.
  eapply hplus_nalloc with (loc := l) in VAL'4; eauto; desf.
  eapply hsum_nalloc in VAL'4;
    repeat (eapply In_map; repeat eexists; try eapply swsOutOK); desf; eauto.

  specialize (NAb pre);
  destruct (hmap (hb_sb pre e)); desf;
  specialize (NAb _ pU eq_refl).
  assert (hi l = HVnone).
    clear - swsInOK pEQ' iEQ NAb NAw; apply NNPP; intro.
    eapply hplus_alloc in iEQ; eauto; desf; ins; desf.
    eapply hsum_alloc in iEQ; eauto; desf; ins; desf.
    by repeat (rewrite In_map in *; desf); rewrite swsInOK in *; eauto.
  destruct (vshift_def UPD) as [hf' VAL']; rewrite VAL' in *; symmetry in VAL'.
  eapply hplus_nalloc with (loc := l) in VAL'; eauto; desf.
  2: eapply vshift_nalloc with (l := l); eauto;
     unfold initialize, hupd; desf; congruence.
  eapply hplus_nalloc with (loc := l) in VAL'1; eauto; desf.

2. If a location, l, is in the domain of some validly annotated edge, then there must be a node before that edge that allocated l.

Lemma heap_loc_allocated :
   mt lab sb rf mo hmap V
    (ACYCLIC: IrreflexiveHB lab sb rf mo)
    (HC: hist_closed mt lab sb rf mo V)
    (VALID: hmap_valids lab sb rf hmap V)
    edge (EV: edge_valid lab sb rf edge) (IN: In (hb_fst edge) V)
    h (GET: hmap edge = Hdef h) l (LA: h l HVnone),
    lab c = Aalloc l
    clos_refl_trans _ (happens_before lab sb rf mo) c (hb_fst edge).
  intros until h; revert h; pattern edge; eapply edge_depth_ind; eauto.
  clear edge EV IN; intros.
  specialize (VALID _ IN).
  destruct (classic (lab (hb_fst edge) = Aalloc l)) as [|NEQ].
    by eauto using clos_refl_trans.
  cut ( edge' h',
         edge_valid lab sb rf edge'
         hb_snd edge' = hb_fst edge
         hmap edge' = Hdef h'
         h' l HVnone).
    by intro; desf; exploit (IH edge'); eauto;
       [|intro; desf; repeat eexists; try edone];
       destruct edge'; ins; vauto; eauto using clos_refl_trans with hb.
  clear IH.
  apply NNPP; intro; destruct NEQ.
  eapply only_alloc_allocates; eauto.
    by ins; apply NNPP; intro; destruct H; eexists (hb_sb x _); ins; vauto.
  by ins; apply NNPP; intro; destruct H; eexists (hb_sw x _); ins; vauto.

Memory safety follows from the previous lemma.

Theorem valid_implies_mem_safe :
   mt lab sb rf mo hmap V
    (ACYCLIC: IrreflexiveHB lab sb rf mo)
    (HC: hist_closed mt lab sb rf mo V)
    (VALID: hmap_valids lab sb rf hmap V),
  mem_safe V lab sb rf mo.
  red; ins; cut ( b, sb b a hf,
                   hmap (hb_sb b a) = Hdef hf
                    hf (loc (lab a)) HVnone).
    intro; desf; exploit heap_loc_allocated; eauto; ins; desf; eauto with hb.
    by rewrite clos_refl_transE in *; desf; eauto with hb.
  specialize (VALID _ IN); clear - VALID Aa; red in VALID; unfold unique in ×.
  desf; desf; pre; split;ins; try solve [eexists hf; split; congruence];
  eexists; split; try edone; try intro.
  by symmetry in pEQ'; eapply hplus_nalloc in pEQ'; eauto; desf;
     unfold hupd in *; desf.
  by desf; rewrite H in *; desf.
  by destruct (vshift_def UPD) as [hf' VAL']; rewrite VAL' in *; symmetry in VAL';
    eapply hplus_nalloc in VAL';
     [|eapply vshift_nalloc with (l := l); eauto;
       unfold initialize, hupd; desf; congruence];
     desf; unfold hupd in *; desf; desf.

Independent heap compatibitity

A list of edges, T, is independent iff there are no two edges in T such that the one happens before the other.

Definition independent lab sb rf mo T :=
   edge1 (IN1: In edge1 T) edge2 (IN2: In edge2 T)
      (HB: hb_snd edge1 = hb_fst edge2
           happens_before lab sb rf mo (hb_snd edge1) (hb_fst edge2)),

Lemma go_back_one :
   acts lab sb rf mo
    (FIN: ExecutionFinite acts lab sb)
    (ACYCLIC: IrreflexiveHB lab sb rf mo)
    (CONS_A : ConsistentAlloc lab) hmap e
    (VALID : hmap_valid lab sb rf hmap e) hFR
    (ALLOC : hf loc,
               hFR = Hdef hf hf loc HVnone
                c, lab c = Aalloc loc c e),
    pres_sb pres_sw posts_sb posts_sw,
     NoDup pres_sb
     NoDup pres_sw
     NoDup posts_sb
     NoDup posts_sw
     ( x : actid, In x pres_sb sb x e)
     ( x : actid, In x pres_sw ann_sw lab rf x e)
     ( x : actid, In x posts_sb sb e x)
     ( x : actid, In x posts_sw ann_sw lab rf e x)
     ( h
       (EQ: hsum (map hmap (map (hb_sb^~ e) pres_sb)) +!+
            hsum (map hmap (map (hb_sw^~ e) pres_sw)) +!+ hFR =
            Hdef h),
       h0 : val HeapVal,
        hsum (map hmap (map (hb_sb e) posts_sb)) +!+
        hsum (map hmap (map (hb_sw e) posts_sw)) +!+ hFR =
        Hdef h0).
  unfold hmap_valid, unique; ins; desf; desf.

  Case Askip.
     pres, nil, posts, nil; repeat (split; ins).
    by red in H; desf; rewrite Heq in ×.
    by red in H; desf; rewrite Heq in ×.
    eapply hdef_alt, (hplus_not_undef_r hsink); eauto.
    rewrite hplusAC, <- hplusA; eapply vshift_star_def; eauto; congruence.

  Case Aalloc.
     (pre :: nil), nil, (post :: nil), nil; repeat (split; ins; desf);
      rewrite ?hsum_one, ?hsum_nil, ?hplus_emp_l in *; eauto.
    by red in H; desf; rewrite Heq in ×.
    by red in H; desf; rewrite Heq in ×.
    rewrite pEQ, qEQ in *; destruct hFR; ins.
    rewrite hplus_unfold in *; desf; vauto.
    destruct n; intro l'; specialize (h0 l').
    unfold hupd in *; desf; desf.
    specialize (ALLOC _ l eq_refl).
    destruct (hf0 l); desf; destruct ALLOC; desf;
    by edestruct H0; eapply CONS_A; rewrite ?H, ?Heq.

  Case Aalloc.
     (pre :: nil), nil, (post :: nil), nil; repeat (split; ins; desf);
      rewrite ?hsum_one, ?hsum_nil, ?hplus_emp_l in *; eauto.
    by red in H; desf; rewrite Heq in ×.
    by red in H; desf; rewrite Heq in ×.
    rewrite pEQ, qEQ in *; destruct hFR; ins.
    rewrite hplus_unfold in *; desf; vauto.
    destruct n; intro l'; specialize (h0 l').
    unfold hupd in *; desf; desf.
    specialize (ALLOC _ l eq_refl).
    destruct (hf0 l); desf; destruct ALLOC; desf;
    by edestruct H0; eapply CONS_A; rewrite ?H, ?Heq.

  Case Aload .
    pose proof (has_sw_pres rf e FIN); desc.
     (pre :: nil), sws, (post :: nil), nil; ins; repeat (split; ins; desf);
      rewrite ?hsum_one in *; eauto.

    by red in H; desf; rewrite Heq in ×.
    eby rewrite qEQ, hsum_nil, hplus_emp_l;
        rewrite (hplusC _ hFR), <- hplusA in EQ; eapply hplus_def_inv_l.

  Case Aload .
     (pre :: nil), sws, (post :: nil), nil; ins; repeat (split; ins; desf);
      rewrite ?hsum_one, ?hsum_nil, ?hplus_emp_l in *; eauto.
    by red in H; desf; rewrite Heq in ×.
    rewrite pEQ, swsEQ, <- pEQ', hplusA, (hplusAC _ hF),
            <- hplus_init1 with (init := true), hplusA,
            <- (hplusA _ hF), <- (hplusA _ (hplus _ hF)), <- qEQ in EQ.
    eby eapply hplus_def_inv_r.

  Case Astore .
    pose proof (has_sw_succs rf e FIN); desc.
     (pre :: nil), nil, (post :: nil), sws; ins; repeat (split; ins; desf);
      rewrite ?hsum_one in *; eauto.
      by red in H; desf; rewrite Heq in ×.
    assert (M: hsum (map hmap (map (hb_sw e) sws)) = hemp).
      generalize (fun xproj1 (INsws x)); clear - wEQ.
      by induction sws; ins; rewrite hsum_cons, IHsws, hplus_emp_r; eauto.
    rewrite M; rewrite hsum_nil in ×.
    by rewrite pEQ, qEQ in *; eauto using hdef_upd_alloc.

  Case Astore .
     (pre :: nil), nil, (post :: nil), sws; ins; repeat (split; ins; desf);
      rewrite ?hsum_one, ?hsum_nil, ?hplus_emp_l in *; eauto.
    by red in H; desf; rewrite Heq in ×.
    exploit hplus_def_inv_l; eauto; intros [hf'' EQ']; rewrite EQ' in ×.
    edestruct vshift_def as [hf' VAL']; eauto; rewrite VAL' in ×.

    eapply vshift_star_def with (h := hFR) in UPD; try congruence; desf.
      by eapply hdef_alt; rewrite <- VAL', !hplusA, !(hplusAC hsink) in UPD; eauto.
    desf; eapply hplus_init_def; eauto; desf.

  Case Armw.
     (pre :: nil), swsIn, (post :: nil), swsOut; ins; repeat (split; ins; desf);
      rewrite ?hsum_one, ?hsum_nil, ?hplus_emp_l in *; eauto.
    exploit hplus_def_inv_l; eauto; intros [hf'' EQ']; rewrite EQ' in ×.
    edestruct vshift_def as [hf' VAL']; eauto; rewrite VAL' in ×.
    eapply vshift_star_def with (h := hFR) in UPD; try congruence; desf.
      rewrite <- VAL', !hplusA, !(hplusAC hsink) in UPD.
      by eapply hdef_alt; eauto.
    rewrite <- hplusA, iEQ in EQ.
    eapply hdef_alt; vauto.

Lemma get_pres_aux :
   mt lab sb rf mo V a
    (HC : hist_closed mt lab sb rf mo V)
    (IN : In a V),
    pres_sb pres_sw,
     << NDb : NoDup pres_sb >>
     << NDw : NoDup pres_sw >>
     << Pb : x, In x pres_sb sb x a >>
     << Pw : x, In x pres_sw ann_sw lab rf x a >>.
  intros; unfold NW.
   (undup (filter (fun xmydec (sb x a)) V)),
         (undup (filter (fun xmydec (ann_sw lab rf x a)) V)).
  do 2 (split; [by apply/uniqP; apply undup_uniq|]); split;
  ins; rewrite (In_mem_eq (mem_undup (T:=nat_eqType) _)), In_filter;
  unfold mydec; desf; split; ins; desf; eauto using hist_closedD with hb.

Lemma get_pres :
   mt lab sb rf mo V
    (ACYCLIC: IrreflexiveHB lab sb rf mo)
    (HC : hist_closed mt lab sb rf mo V) edge T
    (ND : NoDup T)
    (IN : In edge T)
    (INCL : edge, In edge T In (hb_fst edge) V)
    (EVS : edge, In edge T edge_valid lab sb rf edge)
    (DEEP : edge', In edge' T
              happens_before lab sb rf mo (hb_fst edge) (hb_fst edge') False)
    (IND: independent lab sb rf mo T),
    pres_sb pres_sw,
     let res := map (fun xhb_sb x (hb_fst edge)) pres_sb ++
                map (fun xhb_sw x (hb_fst edge)) pres_sw ++
                filter (fun x : hbcasehb_fst x != hb_fst edge) T in
     << NDb : NoDup pres_sb >>
     << NDw : NoDup pres_sw >>
     << Pb : x, In x pres_sb sb x (hb_fst edge) >>
     << Pw : x, In x pres_sw ann_sw lab rf x (hb_fst edge) >>
     << ND' : NoDup res >>
     << METR: (depth_metric (happens_before lab sb rf mo) V (map hb_fst res) <
               depth_metric (happens_before lab sb rf mo) V (map hb_fst T) : Prop) >>
     << INCL': edge, In edge res In (hb_fst edge) V >>
     << EVS' : edge, In edge res edge_valid lab sb rf edge >>
     << IND' : independent lab sb rf mo res >>.
  intros; exploit get_pres_aux; eauto; intro; desf.
   pres_sb, pres_sw; unfold NW;
  repeat (split; try done).

  by rewrite !nodup_app; intuition; try (apply nodup_map; try done; congruence);
     red; ins; rewrite ?In_app, ?In_filter, ?In_map in *; desf; ins;
     apply (IND _ IN2 _ IN); vauto.

    apply depth_lt with (hb_fst edge);
    eauto using In_mapI.
      by ins; repeat (rewrite ?In_app, ?In_filter, ?In_map in *; desf; ins);
         rewrite ?Pw, ?Pb in *; eauto using In_mapI with hb; exfalso; eauto.

     intro; repeat (rewrite ?In_app, ?In_filter, ?In_map in *; desf; ins);
         rewrite ?Pw, ?Pb in *; eauto using In_mapI with hb.
     by destruct (eqP (hb_fst x) (hb_fst edge)).

     red; ins; repeat (rewrite ?In_app, ?In_filter, ?In_map in *; desf; ins);
     rewrite ?Pw, ?Pb in *; eauto with hb.

     by ins; rewrite In_map in *; desf; eauto.

  by ins; rewrite ?In_app, ?In_filter, ?In_map in *; desf; ins;
     rewrite ?Pw, ?Pb in *; eauto with hb.

  by ins; rewrite ?In_app, ?In_filter, ?In_map in *; desf; ins;
     rewrite ?Pw, ?Pb in *; eauto.

     red; ins; rewrite ?In_app, ?In_filter, ?In_map in *; desf; ins;
     rewrite ?Pw, ?Pb in *; subst; eauto with hb.
     revert IN0; case eqP; ins; congruence.
     revert IN0; case eqP; ins; congruence.

The main independent heap compatibility lemma.

Theorem independent_heap_compat :
   acts lab sb rf mo
    (FIN: ExecutionFinite acts lab sb)
    (ACYCLIC: IrreflexiveHB lab sb rf mo)
    (CONS_A: ConsistentAlloc lab) mt hmap V
    (HC: hist_closed mt lab sb rf mo V)
    (VALID: hmap_valids lab sb rf hmap V)
    T (ND: NoDup T)
      (SSB: a b (IN: In (hb_sb a b) T), In a V)
      (SSW: a b (IN: In (hb_sw a b) T), In a V)
      (TSB: a b (IN: In (hb_sb a b) T), sb a b)
      (TSW: a b (IN: In (hb_sw a b) T), ann_sw lab rf a b)
    (INDEP: independent lab sb rf mo T),
     h, hsum (map hmap T) = Hdef h.
  intros until T; induction T using
    (well_founded_ind (wf_ltof
       (fun Tdepth_metric (happens_before lab sb rf mo) V (map hb_fst T)))).
  case_eq (depth_metric (happens_before lab sb rf mo) V (map hb_fst T)); ins.
    clear H.
    destruct T; unfold depth_metric in *; ins; vauto.
    assert (IN: In (hb_fst h) V) by (destruct h; ins; eauto 8).
    eapply In_implies_perm in IN; desf.
    rewrite (Permutation_count IN) in H0; ins; desf.
    unfold is_pred, mydec in Heq; ins; desf.
    exfalso; eauto using rt_refl.
  exploit (get_deepest ACYCLIC HC (T:=T)).
    by intro; subst; clear - H0; induction V; ins.
    by destruct edge; ins; eauto.
  intro; clear n H0; desc.

  exploit get_pres; eauto; try (by intros []; eauto).
  ins; desf.

  destruct (H _ METR ND'); ins; eauto;
    try solve [by apply INCL' in IN0|by apply EVS' in IN0].
  clear H METR ND'.
  remember (hb_fst edge) as e; clear edge IN Heqe.

  rewrite !map_app, !hsum_app in ×.

  cut ( posts_sb posts_sw,
           NoDup posts_sb NoDup posts_sw
           ( x, In x posts_sb sb e x)
           ( x, In x posts_sw ann_sw lab rf e x)
         hsum (map hmap (filter (fun xhb_fst x != e) T)) +!+
         hsum (map hmap (map (hb_sb e) posts_sb)) +!+
         hsum (map hmap (map (hb_sw e) posts_sw)) = Hdef h0).
    intros; desf.
    assert (M := helper_perm_filter_post e T); desf.
    rewrite (hsum_perm (map_perm _ M)).
    destruct (@perm_from_subset _ posts_sb posts_sb0) as [? Psb].
      by eapply (Permutation_NoDup M) in ND; rewrite !nodup_app in ND;
         desf; eauto using NoDup_mapD.
      by symmetry in M; intros; apply H2, TSB, (Permutation_in _ M), In_appI2, In_appI1, In_mapI.

    destruct (@perm_from_subset _ posts_sw posts_sw0) as [? Psw].
      by eapply (Permutation_NoDup M) in ND; rewrite !nodup_app in ND;
         desf; eauto using NoDup_mapD.
      by symmetry in M; intros; apply H3, TSW, (Permutation_in _ M), In_appI2, In_appI2, In_mapI.

    rewrite (hsum_perm (map_perm _ (map_perm _ Psb))) in H4.
    rewrite (hsum_perm (map_perm _ (map_perm _ Psw))) in H4.

    eapply hplus_def_inv_l with (hf := h0); rewrite <- H4.
    rewrite !map_app, !hsum_app, !hplusA.
    f_equal; f_equal.
    by symmetry; rewrite hplusAC; f_equal.

  assert (ALLOC: hf loc,
            hsum (map hmap (filter (fun xhb_fst x != e) T)) = Hdef hf
            hf loc HVnone
             c, lab c = Aalloc loc c e).
     intros; eapply hsum_alloc in H; eauto; desf.
     rewrite In_map in *; desf.
     rewrite In_filter in *; desf.
     exploit heap_loc_allocated; eauto; try (by destruct x0; ins; eauto).
     destruct (eqP (hb_fst x0) e); ins; desf; eexists; split; eauto; intro; desf.
     by eapply clos_refl_trans_hbE in x1; desf; eapply DEEP; eauto.

  ins; exploit go_back_one; eauto; []; intro K; desf.
  exploit (NoDup_Permutation K NDb); [by intro; rewrite Pb|].
  exploit (NoDup_Permutation K0 NDw); [by intro; rewrite Pw|].
  clear Pb Pw; intros Pb Pw.
  rewrite (hsum_perm (map_perm _ (map_perm _ Pb))) in K7.
  rewrite (hsum_perm (map_perm _ (map_perm _ Pw))) in K7.
  edestruct K7; ins; eauto.
   posts_sb, posts_sw; repeat (split; ins).
  eby eexists; rewrite hplusC, hplusA.

A helper lemma for showing that two edges are independent

Lemma independent_two :
   lab sb rf mo e e',
    IrreflexiveHB lab sb rf mo
    edge_valid lab sb rf e
    edge_valid lab sb rf e'
    hb_snd e hb_fst e'
    hb_snd e' hb_fst e
    ¬ happens_before lab sb rf mo (hb_snd e) (hb_fst e')
    ¬ happens_before lab sb rf mo (hb_snd e') (hb_fst e)
    independent lab sb rf mo (e :: e' :: nil).
  assert (happens_before lab sb rf mo (hb_fst e) (hb_snd e))
    by (destruct e; ins; eauto with hb).
  assert (happens_before lab sb rf mo (hb_fst e') (hb_snd e'))
    by (destruct e'; ins; eauto with hb).
  red; ins; desf; desf; try rewrite HB in *; ins; eauto with hb.

Race freedom

In order to establish race freedom, we need two auxliary lemmas.
1. Every validly annotated memory access contains the accessed location in the domain of the heap of its incoming sb-edge.

Lemma valid_accessD :
   lab sb rf hmap a
         (VALID : hmap_valid lab sb rf hmap a)
         (Aa : is_access (lab a)),
   pre hf,
    sb pre a hmap (hb_sb pre a) = Hdef hf
     hf (loc (lab a)) HVnone.
  unfold hmap_valid, unique; ins; desf; desf; ins;
   pre; try (repeat (eexists; try edone); unfold is_val in *; desf; congruence);
  repeat (eexists; try edone); intro.

  Case Aload.
    by symmetry in pEQ'; eapply hplus_nalloc in pEQ'; eauto;
       desf; unfold hupd in *; desf; congruence.

  Case Astore.
    edestruct vshift_def as [hf' VAL']; eauto; rewrite VAL' in ×.
    symmetry in VAL'; eapply hplus_nalloc in VAL'.
    2: eapply vshift_nalloc with (l := l); eauto;
       unfold initialize, hupd; desf; congruence.
    desf; unfold hupd in *; desf; congruence.

2. The heap of every validly annotated non-atomic memory access maps the accessed location to some value.

Lemma valid_na_accessD :
   lab sb rf hmap a
         (VALID : hmap_valid lab sb rf hmap a)
         (NA : is_na (lab a)) pre
         (SB : sb pre a) hf
         (HM : hmap (hb_sb pre a) = Hdef hf),
  is_val (hf (loc (lab a))).
  unfold hmap_valid, unique; ins; desf; desf; ins;
    match goal with H : _ |- _apply H in SB; subst; rewrite HM in × end;
    vauto; try (by destruct typ).
  by rewrite IV.

Race-freedom follows from these two lemmas and independent heap compatibility.

Theorem valid_implies_race_free :
   mt acts lab sb rf mo hmap V
    (FIN: ExecutionFinite acts lab sb)
    (ACYCLIC: IrreflexiveHB lab sb rf mo)
    (CONS_A: ConsistentAlloc lab)
    (HC: hist_closed mt lab sb rf mo V)
    (VALID: hmap_valids lab sb rf hmap V),
  race_free V lab sb rf mo.
  red; ins.
  apply NNPP; intro X; apply not_or_and in X; desc.
  eapply valid_accessD in Aa; ins; eauto; desc.
  eapply valid_accessD in Ab; ins; eauto; desc.
  assert (IND: independent lab sb rf mo (hb_sb pre a :: hb_sb pre0 b :: nil)).
    by clear WRI NA; red; ins; desf; ins; desf; eauto with hb.
  eapply independent_heap_compat in IND;
    try (by clear NA WRI; ins; desf; eauto with hb);
    try (by constructor; ins; intro; desf).
  desc; ins; rewrite hsum_two in ×.
  rewrite Aa0, Ab0, hplus_unfold in IND; des_if.
  specialize (h0 (loc (lab b))).
  clear WRI; desf;
  exploit valid_na_accessD; try apply NA; try apply VALID; eauto; ins; desf;
  rewrite LOC in *; destruct (hf (loc (lab b))), (hf0 (loc (lab b))); ins.

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