Require Import Vbase Varith.
Require Import Relations Classical ClassicalDescription.
Require Import List Permutation Vlistbase Vlist extralib.
Require Import c11 exps rslassn rslassnlemmas rslmodel.
Require Import rslhmap rslhmapna rslhmapa rsltriple rsltriple2.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Definition prg_sem e res acts lab sb rf mo sc mt :=
∃ fst lst pre post acts',
acts = pre :: acts' ∧
<< pNIN: ¬ In pre acts' >> ∧
<< qNIN: ¬ In post acts' >> ∧
<< NEQ : pre ≠ post >> ∧
<< ESEM: exp_sem e res acts' lab sb fst lst >> ∧
<< CONS: Consistent (post :: acts) lab sb rf mo sc mt >> ∧
<< pSB1: ∀ x, ¬ sb x pre >> ∧
<< pSB2: ∀ x, sb pre x → x = fst >> ∧
<< pSB : unique (sb^~ fst) pre >> ∧ << pL : lab pre = Askip >> ∧
<< qSB : unique (sb lst) post >> ∧ << qL : lab post = Askip >>.
Adequacy states that all consistent executions of closed programs, e,
satisfying the triple {Atrue} e {y. QQ y}, are memory safe and race free.
Moreover, the programs never read from uninitialized locations, and their
return value satisfies the post-condition.
Theorem adequacy :
∀ mt e QQ (T: triple mt Atrue e QQ) reso acts lab sb rf mo sc
(SEM : prg_sem e reso acts lab sb rf mo sc mt),
mem_safe acts lab sb rf mo ∧
race_free acts lab sb rf mo ∧
initialized_reads acts lab rf ∧
(∀ res, reso = Some res → ∃ h, assn_sem (QQ res) h).
Soundness of the proof rules
Theorem rule_frame :
∀ mt P E QQ (T: triple mt P E QQ) F,
triple mt (Astar P F) E (fun y ⇒ Astar (QQ y) F).
Theorem rule_conseq :
∀ mt P E QQ (T: triple mt P E QQ)
P' (PI: implies P' P)
QQ' (QI: ∀ y, implies (QQ y) (QQ' y)),
triple mt P' E QQ'.
Theorem rule_disj :
∀ mt P1 E QQ (T1: triple mt P1 E QQ)
P2 (T2: triple mt P2 E QQ),
triple mt (Adisj P1 P2) E QQ.
Theorem rule_let :
∀ mt P e QQ (T1: triple mt P e QQ)
RR e' (T2: ∀ x, triple mt (QQ x) (e' x) RR),
triple mt P (Elet e e') RR.
Theorem rule_par :
∀ mt P1 e1 QQ1 (T1: triple mt P1 e1 QQ1)
P2 e2 Q2 (T2: triple mt P2 e2 (fun x ⇒ Q2)),
triple mt (Astar P1 P2) (Epar e1 e2) (fun x ⇒ Astar (QQ1 x) Q2).
Theorem rule_repeat :
∀ mt P e QQ (T: triple mt P e QQ) (IMP: implies (QQ 0) P),
triple mt P (Erepeat e) (fun x ⇒ if x == 0 then Afalse else QQ x).
Non-atomic stores
Theorem rule_store_na1 :
∀ mt typ E E' E'' (TYP: with_mt mt (typ ≠ ATrlx ∧ typ ≠ ATacq) True),
triple mt (Apt E E') (Estore typ E E'') (fun x ⇒ Apt E E'').
Theorem rule_store_na2 :
∀ mt typ E E'' (TYP: with_mt mt (typ ≠ ATrlx ∧ typ ≠ ATacq) True),
triple mt (Aptu E) (Estore typ E E'') (fun x ⇒ Apt E E'').
Non-atomic loads
Theorem rule_load_na :
∀ mt typ E E' (TYP: with_mt mt (typ ≠ ATrlx ∧ typ ≠ ATrel) True),
triple mt (Apt E E') (Eload typ E)
(fun x ⇒ if x == E' then Apt E E' else Afalse).
Theorem rule_alloc_atom_acq mt QQ :
triple mt (Aemp) (Ealloc) (fun x ⇒ Astar (Arel x QQ) (Aacq x QQ)).
Theorem rule_alloc_atom_rmwacq mt QQ :
triple mt (Aemp) (Ealloc) (fun x ⇒ Astar (Arel x QQ) (Armwacq x QQ)).
Definition release_typ typ := typ = ATrel ∨ typ = ATsc.
Theorem rule_store_rel mt typ E E' P (TYP : release_typ typ) :
triple mt (Astar (Arel E (mupd (fun _ ⇒ Afalse) E' P)) P)
(Estore typ E E')
(fun _ ⇒ Arainit E).
Relaxed stores
Theorem rule_store_rlx E E' :
triple Model_hb_rf_acyclic
(Arel E (mupd (fun _ ⇒ Afalse) E' Aemp))
(Estore ATrlx E E')
(fun _ ⇒ Arainit E).
Relaxed loads
Second, we have a stronger rule asserting that the value read was once
written. Note that this stronger rule is valid only in Model_hb_rf_acyclic.
Theorem rule_load_rlx2 E QQ :
triple Model_hb_rf_acyclic
(Astar (Aacq E QQ) (Arainit E))
(Eload ATrlx E)
(fun v ⇒ if (excluded_middle_informative (∃ h, assn_sem (QQ v) h)) then
Astar (Aacq E QQ) (Arainit E)
else Afalse).
Definition acquire_typ typ := typ = ATacq ∨ typ = ATsc.
Theorem rule_load_acq mt typ E QQ (PREC: ∀ v, precise (QQ v))
(TYP : acquire_typ typ) :
triple mt
(Astar (Aacq E QQ) (Arainit E))
(Eload typ E)
(fun v ⇒ Astar (Aacq E (hupd QQ v Aemp)) (Astar (Arainit E) (QQ v))).
Theorem rule_load_acq mt typ E QQ (PREC: ∀ v, precise (QQ v))
(TYP : acquire_typ typ) :
triple mt
(Astar (Aacq E QQ) (Arainit E))
(Eload typ E)
(fun v ⇒ Astar (Aacq E (hupd QQ v Aemp)) (Astar (Arainit E) (QQ v))).
Theorem rule_cas :
∀ mt P typ1 typ2 E E' E'' RR QQ QQ'
(NA: typ1 ≠ ATna)
(NOT0: typ1 = ATrlx ∨ typ1 = ATrel ∨ typ1 = ATacq →
mt = Model_hb_rf_acyclic)
(NOT1: typ1 = ATrlx ∨ typ1 = ATrel → QQ E' = Aemp)
(NOT2: typ1 = ATrlx ∨ typ1 = ATacq → QQ' E'' = Aemp)
(IMP1: implies P (Astar (Astar (Armwacq E QQ) (Arainit E)) Atrue))
(IMP2: implies (Astar (QQ E') P)
(Astar (Astar (Arel E QQ') (QQ' E'')) (RR E')))
(T2: triple mt P (Eload typ2 E) (fun x ⇒ if x == E' then Atrue else RR x)),
triple mt P (Ecas typ1 typ2 E E' E'') RR.
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