Require Import Vbase Varith.
Require Import Relations Classical ClassicalDescription.
Require Import List Permutation Vlistbase Vlist extralib.
Require Import c11 rslassn rslmodel rslassnlemmas.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Lemma vshift_refl h : vshift h h.
Lemma vshift_eqI x y : x = y → vshift x y.
Lemma vshift_trans h1 h2 h3: vshift h1 h2 → vshift h2 h3 → vshift h1 h3.
Lemma vshift_star_l :
∀ h h1 h1' (V1: vshift h1 h1'),
vshift (hplus h1 h) (hplus h1' h).
Lemma vshift_star :
∀ h1 h1' (V1: vshift h1 h1') h2 h2' (V1: vshift h2 h2'),
vshift (hplus h1 h2) (hplus h1' h2').
Lemma vshift_star_def :
∀ h1 h1' (V1: vshift h1 h1') h (D: hplus h1 h ≠ Hundef),
hplus h1' h ≠ Hundef.
Lemma vshift_def :
∀ hf y,
vshift (Hdef hf) y →
∃ hf', y = Hdef hf'.
Lemma vshift_nalloc :
∀ hf hf' l,
vshift (Hdef hf) (Hdef hf') →
hf l = HVnone →
hf' l = HVnone.
Lemma vshift_val :
∀ hf hf' l,
vshift (Hdef hf) (Hdef hf') →
is_val (hf' l) →
hf' l = hf l.
Lemma vshift_ra :
∀ hf hf' l PP QQ isrmw init,
vshift (Hdef hf) (Hdef hf') →
hf' l = HVra PP QQ isrmw init →
∃ PP' QQ' isrmw' init',
hf l = HVra PP' (fun v ⇒ mk_assn_mod (Astar (sval (QQ v)) (QQ' v))) isrmw' init'
∧ (∀ v, implies (sval (PP v)) (sval (PP' v)))
∧ (isrmw → isrmw')
∧ (init → init').
Lemma vshift_hack:
∀ x y, vshift x y ↔ x = y.
Hint Unfold imm_happens_before.
Lemma hupds A h l (y : A) : hupd h l y l = y.
Lemma hist_closed_trans :
∀ mt lab sb rf mo V (HC: hist_closed mt lab sb rf mo V)
a b (TR: clos_refl_trans _ sb a b) (IN: In b V), In a V.
Lemma hist_closedD :
∀ mt lab sb rf mo V (HC: hist_closed mt lab sb rf mo V)
a b (TR: happens_before lab sb rf mo a b) (IN: In b V), In a V.
Lemma happens_before_trans lab sb rf mo a b c :
happens_before lab sb rf mo a b →
happens_before lab sb rf mo b c →
happens_before lab sb rf mo a c.
Lemma happens_before_sb lab (sb : relation actid) rf mo a b :
sb a b → happens_before lab sb rf mo a b.
Lemma happens_before_sw lab sb rf mo a b :
synchronizes_with lab sb rf mo a b → happens_before lab sb rf mo a b.
Lemma happens_before_ann_sw lab sb rf mo a b :
ann_sw lab rf a b → happens_before lab sb rf mo a b.
Lemma clos_trans_hbE :
∀ lab sb rf mo a b (HB: clos_trans actid (happens_before lab sb rf mo) a b),
happens_before lab sb rf mo a b.
Hint Immediate clos_trans_hbE : hb.
Hint Resolve
happens_before_sb happens_before_sw happens_before_ann_sw
happens_before_trans t_step hist_closedD : hb.
Lemma count_implies :
∀ (T: eqType) (f1 f2 : T → bool) (IMP : ∀ x, f1 x → f2 x) l,
count f1 l ≤ count f2 l.
Lemma hasP' :
∀ (T : eqType) (a : pred T) (l : list_predType T),
reflect (∃ x : T, In x l ∧ a x) (has a l).
Lemma clos_refl_transE X rel a b :
clos_refl_trans X rel a b ↔ a = b ∨ clos_trans X rel a b.
Lemma clos_refl_trans_hbE :
∀ lab sb rf mo a b,
clos_refl_trans actid (happens_before lab sb rf mo) a b →
happens_before lab sb rf mo a b ∨ a = b.
Lemma helper_perm_filter_post :
∀ e T,
∃ posts_sb posts_sw,
Permutation T (filter (fun x : hbcase ⇒ hb_fst x != e) T ++
map (hb_sb e) posts_sb ++
map (hb_sw e) posts_sw).
Lemma has_sw_succs acts lab sb rf a :
ExecutionFinite acts lab sb →
∃ sws,
<< NDsws: NoDup sws >> ∧
<< INsws: ∀ x, In x sws ↔ ann_sw lab rf a x >>.
Lemma has_sw_pres acts lab sb rf a :
ExecutionFinite acts lab sb →
∃ sws,
<< NDsws: NoDup sws >> ∧
<< INsws: ∀ x, In x sws ↔ ann_sw lab rf x a >>.
Definition wf_ltof A (f : A → nat) :
well_founded (fun x y ⇒ f x < f y).
A few lemmas about Permutations
Lemma In_implies_perm A (x : A) l (IN: In x l) :
∃ l', Permutation l (x :: l').
Lemma Permutation_count A l l' (P : Permutation (A:=A) l l') f :
count f l = count f l'.
Lemma Permutation_hmap_valids :
∀ l l' (P : Permutation l l') lab sb rf hmap,
hmap_valids lab sb rf hmap l →
hmap_valids lab sb rf hmap l'.
Lemma Permutation_hist_closed :
∀ l l' (P : Permutation l l') mt lab sb rf mo,
hist_closed mt lab sb rf mo l →
hist_closed mt lab sb rf mo l'.
Lemma Consistent_perm :
∀ acts lab sb rf mo sc mt (CONS : Consistent acts lab sb rf mo sc mt)
acts' (EQ: perm_eq acts acts'),
Consistent acts' lab sb rf mo sc mt.
Lemma weakConsistent_perm :
∀ acts lab sb rf mo sc mt (CONS : weakConsistent acts lab sb rf mo sc mt)
acts' (EQ: perm_eq acts acts'),
weakConsistent acts' lab sb rf mo sc mt.
Lemma weakConsistent_Permutation :
∀ acts lab sb rf mo sc mt (CONS : weakConsistent acts lab sb rf mo sc mt)
acts' (EQ: Permutation acts acts'),
weakConsistent acts' lab sb rf mo sc mt.
Lemma Permutation_flatten A l l' (P : Permutation l l') :
Permutation (A:=A) (flatten l) (flatten l').
Lemma hc_edge_irr acts lab sb rf mo sc mt :
weakConsistent acts lab sb rf mo sc mt →
irreflexive (hc_edge mt lab sb rf mo).
Definition is_pred A (rel : A → A → Prop) B a :=
has (fun b ⇒ mydec (clos_refl_trans A rel a b)) B.
Definition depth_metric A (rel: A → A → Prop) V a :=
count (is_pred rel a) V.
Lemma clos_transK T (rel: relation T) x y :
clos_trans _ (clos_trans _ rel) x y →
clos_trans _ rel x y.
Lemma clos_refl_transD T rel a b :
clos_refl_trans T rel a b → a = b ∨ clos_trans T rel a b.
Lemma depth_lt (rel : relation actid) V A B
(HB : ∀ a, In a A → ¬ In a B →
∃ b, In b B ∧ rel a b)
b (IN : In b B) (NIN: ¬ In b A)
(NHB: ∀ a, In a A → ¬ clos_trans _ rel b a)
(SUB: ∀ b, In b B → In b V) :
depth_metric rel V A < depth_metric rel V B.
A useful induction principle for happens-before graphs.
Lemma edge_depth_ind mt lab sb rf mo V
(ACYCLIC: IrreflexiveHB lab sb rf mo)
(HC: hist_closed mt lab sb rf mo V) (P : hbcase → Prop) :
(∀ edge
(IH: ∀ edge' (EV : edge_valid lab sb rf edge')
(LT: happens_before lab sb rf mo (hb_fst edge') (hb_fst edge)),
P edge')
(EV : edge_valid lab sb rf edge)
(IN : In (hb_fst edge) V),
P edge) →
∀ edge (EV : edge_valid lab sb rf edge), In (hb_fst edge) V → P edge.
Lemma edge_depth_ind2 mt lab sb rf mo V
(ACYCLIC: acyclic (hc_edge mt lab sb rf mo))
(HC: hist_closed mt lab sb rf mo V) (P : hbcase → Prop) :
(∀ edge
(IH: ∀ edge' (EV : edge_valid lab sb rf edge')
(LT: clos_trans _ (hc_edge mt lab sb rf mo) (hb_fst edge') (hb_fst edge)),
P edge')
(EV : edge_valid lab sb rf edge)
(IN : In (hb_fst edge) V),
P edge) →
∀ edge (EV : edge_valid lab sb rf edge), In (hb_fst edge) V → P edge.
Fixpoint find_max A (curr : A) f l :=
match l with
| nil ⇒ curr
| x :: xs ⇒
if f curr ≤ f x then find_max x f xs else find_max curr f xs
Lemma find_max_range :
∀ A (curr: A) f l,
In (find_max curr f l) (curr :: l).
Lemma find_max_greatest :
∀ A (x curr: A) f l (IN: In x (curr :: l)),
f x ≤ f (find_max curr f l).
Given a non-empty set of edges, T, there is always an edge whose source
node does not happen before any of the sources of the other edges.
Lemma get_deepest :
∀ lab sb rf mo (ACYCLIC: IrreflexiveHB lab sb rf mo)
mt V (HC: hist_closed mt lab sb rf mo V)
T (NNIL: T ≠ nil)
(INCL: ∀ edge (IN: In edge T), In (hb_fst edge) V),
∃ edge,
<< IN: In edge T >> ∧
<< INe: In (hb_fst edge) V >> ∧
<< DEEP: ∀ edge' (IN': In edge' T)
(HB': happens_before lab sb rf mo (hb_fst edge) (hb_fst edge')),
False >>.
Fixpoint find_min A (curr : A) f l :=
match l with
| nil ⇒ curr
| x :: xs ⇒
if f x ≤ f curr then find_min x f xs else find_min curr f xs
Lemma find_min_range :
∀ A (curr: A) f l,
In (find_min curr f l) (curr :: l).
Lemma find_min_greatest :
∀ A (x curr: A) f l (IN: In x (curr :: l)),
f (find_min curr f l) ≤ f x.
Lemma get_shallow :
∀ mt lab sb rf mo (ACYCLIC: with_mt mt AcyclicMedium AcyclicStrong lab sb rf mo)
V (HC: hist_closed mt lab sb rf mo V)
T (HC': hist_closed mt lab sb rf mo (V ++ T)) (NNIL: T ≠ nil),
∃ e,
<< IN: In e T >> ∧
<< HC: hist_closed mt lab sb rf mo (e :: V) >>.
Memory safety
Lemma only_alloc_allocates:
∀ lab sb rf hmap edge h l
(VAL: hmap_valid lab sb rf hmap (hb_fst edge))
(EV : edge_valid lab sb rf edge)
(HM : hmap edge = Hdef h)
(ALL: h l ≠ HVnone)
(NAb: ∀ x h, sb x (hb_fst edge) →
hmap (hb_sb x (hb_fst edge)) = Hdef h → h l = HVnone)
(NAw: ∀ x h, ann_sw lab rf x (hb_fst edge) →
hmap (hb_sw x (hb_fst edge)) = Hdef h → h l = HVnone),
lab (hb_fst edge) = Aalloc l.
2. If a location, l, is in the domain of some validly annotated edge,
then there must be a node before that edge that allocated l.
Lemma heap_loc_allocated :
∀ mt lab sb rf mo hmap V
(ACYCLIC: IrreflexiveHB lab sb rf mo)
(HC: hist_closed mt lab sb rf mo V)
(VALID: hmap_valids lab sb rf hmap V)
edge (EV: edge_valid lab sb rf edge) (IN: In (hb_fst edge) V)
h (GET: hmap edge = Hdef h) l (LA: h l ≠ HVnone),
∃ c,
lab c = Aalloc l ∧
clos_refl_trans _ (happens_before lab sb rf mo) c (hb_fst edge).
Memory safety follows from the previous lemma.
Theorem valid_implies_mem_safe :
∀ mt lab sb rf mo hmap V
(ACYCLIC: IrreflexiveHB lab sb rf mo)
(HC: hist_closed mt lab sb rf mo V)
(VALID: hmap_valids lab sb rf hmap V),
mem_safe V lab sb rf mo.
Independent heap compatibitity
Definition independent lab sb rf mo T :=
∀ edge1 (IN1: In edge1 T) edge2 (IN2: In edge2 T)
(HB: hb_snd edge1 = hb_fst edge2 ∨
happens_before lab sb rf mo (hb_snd edge1) (hb_fst edge2)),
Lemma go_back_one :
∀ acts lab sb rf mo
(FIN: ExecutionFinite acts lab sb)
(ACYCLIC: IrreflexiveHB lab sb rf mo)
(CONS_A : ConsistentAlloc lab) hmap e
(VALID : hmap_valid lab sb rf hmap e) hFR
(ALLOC : ∀ hf loc,
hFR = Hdef hf → hf loc ≠ HVnone →
∃ c, lab c = Aalloc loc ∧ c ≠ e),
∃ pres_sb pres_sw posts_sb posts_sw,
NoDup pres_sb ∧
NoDup pres_sw ∧
NoDup posts_sb ∧
NoDup posts_sw ∧
(∀ x : actid, In x pres_sb ↔ sb x e) ∧
(∀ x : actid, In x pres_sw ↔ ann_sw lab rf x e) ∧
(∀ x : actid, In x posts_sb ↔ sb e x) ∧
(∀ x : actid, In x posts_sw ↔ ann_sw lab rf e x) ∧
(∀ h
(EQ: hsum (map hmap (map (hb_sb^~ e) pres_sb)) +!+
hsum (map hmap (map (hb_sw^~ e) pres_sw)) +!+ hFR =
Hdef h),
∃ h0 : val → HeapVal,
hsum (map hmap (map (hb_sb e) posts_sb)) +!+
hsum (map hmap (map (hb_sw e) posts_sw)) +!+ hFR =
Hdef h0).
Lemma get_pres_aux :
∀ mt lab sb rf mo V a
(HC : hist_closed mt lab sb rf mo V)
(IN : In a V),
∃ pres_sb pres_sw,
<< NDb : NoDup pres_sb >> ∧
<< NDw : NoDup pres_sw >> ∧
<< Pb : ∀ x, In x pres_sb ↔ sb x a >> ∧
<< Pw : ∀ x, In x pres_sw ↔ ann_sw lab rf x a >>.
Lemma get_pres :
∀ mt lab sb rf mo V
(ACYCLIC: IrreflexiveHB lab sb rf mo)
(HC : hist_closed mt lab sb rf mo V) edge T
(ND : NoDup T)
(IN : In edge T)
(INCL : ∀ edge, In edge T → In (hb_fst edge) V)
(EVS : ∀ edge, In edge T → edge_valid lab sb rf edge)
(DEEP : ∀ edge', In edge' T →
happens_before lab sb rf mo (hb_fst edge) (hb_fst edge') → False)
(IND: independent lab sb rf mo T),
∃ pres_sb pres_sw,
let res := map (fun x ⇒ hb_sb x (hb_fst edge)) pres_sb ++
map (fun x ⇒ hb_sw x (hb_fst edge)) pres_sw ++
filter (fun x : hbcase ⇒ hb_fst x != hb_fst edge) T in
<< NDb : NoDup pres_sb >> ∧
<< NDw : NoDup pres_sw >> ∧
<< Pb : ∀ x, In x pres_sb ↔ sb x (hb_fst edge) >> ∧
<< Pw : ∀ x, In x pres_sw ↔ ann_sw lab rf x (hb_fst edge) >> ∧
<< ND' : NoDup res >> ∧
<< METR: (depth_metric (happens_before lab sb rf mo) V (map hb_fst res) <
depth_metric (happens_before lab sb rf mo) V (map hb_fst T) : Prop) >> ∧
<< INCL': ∀ edge, In edge res → In (hb_fst edge) V >> ∧
<< EVS' : ∀ edge, In edge res → edge_valid lab sb rf edge >> ∧
<< IND' : independent lab sb rf mo res >>.
The main independent heap compatibility lemma.
Theorem independent_heap_compat :
∀ acts lab sb rf mo
(FIN: ExecutionFinite acts lab sb)
(ACYCLIC: IrreflexiveHB lab sb rf mo)
(CONS_A: ConsistentAlloc lab) mt hmap V
(HC: hist_closed mt lab sb rf mo V)
(VALID: hmap_valids lab sb rf hmap V)
T (ND: NoDup T)
(SSB: ∀ a b (IN: In (hb_sb a b) T), In a V)
(SSW: ∀ a b (IN: In (hb_sw a b) T), In a V)
(TSB: ∀ a b (IN: In (hb_sb a b) T), sb a b)
(TSW: ∀ a b (IN: In (hb_sw a b) T), ann_sw lab rf a b)
(INDEP: independent lab sb rf mo T),
∃ h, hsum (map hmap T) = Hdef h.
∀ acts lab sb rf mo
(FIN: ExecutionFinite acts lab sb)
(ACYCLIC: IrreflexiveHB lab sb rf mo)
(CONS_A: ConsistentAlloc lab) mt hmap V
(HC: hist_closed mt lab sb rf mo V)
(VALID: hmap_valids lab sb rf hmap V)
T (ND: NoDup T)
(SSB: ∀ a b (IN: In (hb_sb a b) T), In a V)
(SSW: ∀ a b (IN: In (hb_sw a b) T), In a V)
(TSB: ∀ a b (IN: In (hb_sb a b) T), sb a b)
(TSW: ∀ a b (IN: In (hb_sw a b) T), ann_sw lab rf a b)
(INDEP: independent lab sb rf mo T),
∃ h, hsum (map hmap T) = Hdef h.
A helper lemma for showing that two edges are independent
Lemma independent_two :
∀ lab sb rf mo e e',
IrreflexiveHB lab sb rf mo →
edge_valid lab sb rf e →
edge_valid lab sb rf e' →
hb_snd e ≠ hb_fst e' →
hb_snd e' ≠ hb_fst e →
¬ happens_before lab sb rf mo (hb_snd e) (hb_fst e') →
¬ happens_before lab sb rf mo (hb_snd e') (hb_fst e) →
independent lab sb rf mo (e :: e' :: nil).
Race freedom
Lemma valid_accessD :
∀ lab sb rf hmap a
(VALID : hmap_valid lab sb rf hmap a)
(Aa : is_access (lab a)),
∃ pre hf,
sb pre a ∧ hmap (hb_sb pre a) = Hdef hf
∧ hf (loc (lab a)) ≠ HVnone.
2. The heap of every validly annotated non-atomic memory access maps
the accessed location to some value.
Lemma valid_na_accessD :
∀ lab sb rf hmap a
(VALID : hmap_valid lab sb rf hmap a)
(NA : is_na (lab a)) pre
(SB : sb pre a) hf
(HM : hmap (hb_sb pre a) = Hdef hf),
is_val (hf (loc (lab a))).
Race-freedom follows from these two lemmas and independent heap
Theorem valid_implies_race_free :
∀ mt acts lab sb rf mo hmap V
(FIN: ExecutionFinite acts lab sb)
(ACYCLIC: IrreflexiveHB lab sb rf mo)
(CONS_A: ConsistentAlloc lab)
(HC: hist_closed mt lab sb rf mo V)
(VALID: hmap_valids lab sb rf hmap V),
race_free V lab sb rf mo.
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