Require Import Vbase Varith Vlistbase Vlist extralib.
Require Import c11 exps rslassn rslassnlemmas rslmodel rsl.
Open Scope string_scope.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Generic lemmas
Lemma Arel_split1 x v PP :
implies (Arel x PP)
(Astar (Arel x PP) (Arel x (mupd (fun _ ⇒ Afalse) v (PP v)))).
unfold mupd; red; ins; desf; repeat eexists; ins.
rewrite hplus_unfold; desf; f_equal; ins; [|destruct n].
by extensionality y; ins; unfold hupd; desf; desf; ins; f_equal;
extensionality z; unfold Remp; desf; desf;
eapply assn_mod_eqI1; ins; apply assn_norm_star_emp.
ins; unfold hupd; desf; desf; ins; repeat split; ins; desf; vauto.
Lemma Arainit_split1 x :
implies (Arainit x)
(Astar (Arainit x) (Arainit x)).
unfold mupd; red; ins; desf; repeat eexists; ins.
rewrite hplus_unfold; desf; f_equal; ins; [|destruct n].
by extensionality y; ins; unfold hupd; desf; desf; ins; f_equal;
extensionality z; unfold Remp; desf; desf;
eapply assn_mod_eqI1; ins; apply assn_norm_star_emp.
ins; unfold hupd; desf; desf; ins; repeat split; ins; desf; vauto.
Lemma Arainit_split2 x :
implies (Astar (Arainit x) (Arainit x)) (Arainit x).
unfold mupd; red; ins; desf; repeat eexists; ins.
rewrite hplus_unfold; desf; f_equal; ins; [|destruct n].
by extensionality y; ins; unfold hupd; desf; desf; ins; f_equal;
extensionality z; unfold Remp; desf; desf;
eapply assn_mod_eqI1; ins; apply assn_norm_star_emp.
ins; unfold hupd; desf; desf; ins; repeat split; ins; desf; vauto.
Lemma Arel_split11 x PP :
implies (Arel x PP)
(Astar (Arel x PP) (Arel x PP)).
unfold mupd; red; ins; desf; repeat eexists; ins.
rewrite hplus_unfold; desf; f_equal; ins; [|destruct n].
by extensionality y; ins; unfold hupd; desf; desf; ins; f_equal;
extensionality z; unfold Remp; desf; desf;
eapply assn_mod_eqI1; ins; apply assn_norm_star_emp.
ins; unfold hupd; desf; desf; ins; repeat split; ins; desf; vauto.
Lemma Armw_acq_split1 x PP QQ :
(∀ v, QQ v = Aemp ∨ PP v = Afalse ∧ QQ v = Afalse) →
implies (Armwacq x PP) (Astar (Armwacq x PP) (Aacq x QQ)).
unfold mupd; red; ins; desf; repeat eexists; ins.
rewrite hplus_unfold; desf; f_equal; ins; [|destruct n].
by extensionality y; ins; unfold hupd; desf; desf; ins; f_equal;
extensionality z; unfold Remp; desf; desf;
eapply assn_mod_eqI1; ins; apply assn_norm_star_emp.
ins; unfold hupd; desf; desf; ins; repeat split; ins; desf; vauto.
destruct (H v) as [->|[->->]]; vauto.
Lemma Armw_acq_split2 x PP QQ :
(∀ v, QQ v = Aemp ∨ PP v = Afalse ∧ QQ v = Afalse) →
implies (Astar (Armwacq x PP) (Aacq x QQ)) (Armwacq x PP).
unfold mupd; red; ins; desf; repeat eexists; ins.
rewrite hplus_unfold; desf; f_equal; ins; [|destruct n].
by extensionality y; ins; unfold hupd; desf; desf; ins; f_equal;
extensionality z; unfold Remp; desf; desf;
eapply assn_mod_eqI1; ins; apply assn_norm_star_emp.
ins; unfold hupd; desf; desf; ins; repeat split; ins; desf; vauto.
destruct (H v) as [->|[->->]]; vauto.
Lemma implies_refl P : implies P P.
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma implies_star_l P Q R : implies P Q → implies (Astar P R) (Astar Q R).
red; ins; desf; repeat eexists; eauto.
Lemma implies_star_r P Q R : implies P Q → implies (Astar R P) (Astar R Q).
red; ins; desf; repeat eexists; eauto.
Lemma rule_store_rel2 mt typ E E' QQ :
release_typ typ →
triple mt
(Astar (Arel E QQ) (QQ E'))
(Estore typ E E')
(fun _ ⇒ Astar (Arel E QQ) (Arainit E)).
intros; eapply rule_conseq.
by eapply rule_frame with (F := Arel E QQ), rule_store_rel; vauto.
intros ? D; eapply implies_star_l in D; [|by apply (Arel_split1 E')].
eapply sim_assn_sem, D; clear D.
eapply Asim_trans, Asim_sym, Asim_starA.
eapply Asim_sym.
eapply Asim_trans, Asim_sym, Asim_starC.
by eauto using Asim.
intros ? ? D; eapply sim_assn_sem, D; eauto using Asim.
Lemma rule_load_rlx3 E QQ :
triple Model_hb_rf_acyclic (Astar (Armwacq E QQ) (Arainit E))
(Eload ATrlx E)
(fun v ⇒ if QQ v == Afalse then Afalse else Astar (Armwacq E QQ) (Arainit E)).
eapply rule_conseq.
by apply rule_frame with (F := Armwacq E QQ), rule_load_rlx2.
pose (myQQ := (fun v ⇒ if QQ v == Afalse then Afalse else Aemp)).
intros ? D; eapply implies_star_l in D; [|apply Armw_acq_split1 with (QQ:=myQQ)].
by eapply sim_assn_sem, D; clear D; eauto using Asim.
by subst myQQ; ins; desf; vauto.
ins; desf; desf; intros ? D; try solve[ins; desf].
eapply implies_star_l; [apply Armw_acq_split2|eapply sim_assn_sem, D]; clear D;
[|by eauto using Asim]; instantiate; ins; desf; vauto.
Lemma rule_repeat2 mt P E QQ QQ' :
triple mt P E QQ' →
implies (QQ' 0) P →
(∀ x (NZ: x ≠ 0), implies (QQ' x) (QQ x)) →
triple mt P (Erepeat E) QQ.
ins; eapply rule_conseq; [eby apply rule_repeat|done|].
ins; desf; ins; eauto.
Lemma implies_sim P Q : Asim P Q → implies P Q.
Proof. by red; ins; apply (sim_assn_sem H). Qed.
Lemma rule_conseq_pre :
∀ (mt : model_type) (P : assn) (E : cexp) (QQ : nat → assn),
triple mt P E QQ →
∀ P' : assn,
implies P' P →
triple mt P' E QQ.
ins; eapply rule_conseq; eauto using implies_refl.
Notation " 'LET' x <- E 'IN' F " :=
(Elet E (fun x ⇒ F))
(at level 200, x ident).
Notation " 'REPEAT' E 'END' " := (Erepeat E).
Notation " 'PAR_BEGIN' E 'PAR' F 'END' " := (Epar E F).
Notation " [[ E ]]_ A " := (Eload A E) (at level 198, A ident).
Notation " [[ E ]]_ A <- V " := (Estore A E V) (at level 198, A ident).
Notation " E ;; F " := (Elet E (fun _ ⇒ F)) (at level 199).
Mutual exclusion locks
Definition new_lock :=
LET x <- Ealloc IN
[[ x ]]_ ATrel <- 1 ;;
Evalue x.
Definition spin x :=
REPEAT [[ x ]]_ ATrlx END.
Definition lock x :=
REPEAT spin x ;; Ecas ATacq ATrlx x 1 0 END.
Definition unlock x :=
[[ x ]]_ ATrel <- 1.
Further, we show that an invariant J may be attached to a lock so that we
get the same specifications as in concurrent separation logic.
Definition LockQQ J v :=
if v == 0 then Aemp
else if v == 1 then J
else Afalse.
Definition LockPred x J :=
Astar (Arel x (LockQQ J)) (Astar (Armwacq x (LockQQ J)) (Arainit x)).
Lemma new_lock_spec mt J :
triple mt J new_lock (fun x ⇒ LockPred x J).
eapply rule_let; ins.
eapply rule_conseq_pre; [by apply rule_frame with (F:=J),
by intros ? H; eapply sim_assn_sem, H; Asim_simpl.
eapply rule_let; ins.
eapply rule_conseq_pre; [
by apply rule_frame with (F:=(Armwacq x (LockQQ J)));
apply rule_store_rel2; ins; vauto |].
instantiate (1 := (LockQQ J)); instantiate (1 := (LockQQ J)).
unfold LockQQ at 4; simpl.
intros ? D; eapply sim_assn_sem, D; clear D.
by eauto using Asim.
eapply rule_conseq_pre; [apply rule_value|].
by intros ? D; eapply sim_assn_sem, D; clear; unfold LockPred;
eauto using Asim.
Lemma unlock_spec mt x J :
triple mt (Astar (LockPred x J) J) (unlock x) (fun _ ⇒ LockPred x J).
eapply rule_conseq;
[by apply rule_frame with (F := LockPred x J), rule_store_rel; vauto| |];
unfold LockPred; ins; intros ? D.
instantiate (1 := J).
eapply implies_star_l in D; [|by apply implies_star_l, (Arel_split1 1)].
eapply sim_assn_sem, D; clear D.
unfold LockQQ at 4; simpl.
eapply Asim_trans, Asim_sym, Asim_starA.
eapply Asim_trans, Asim_sym, Asim_starA.
eapply Asim_sym.
eapply Asim_trans, Asim_sym, Asim_starC.
eapply Asim_trans, Asim_sym, Asim_starA.
by eapply Asim_star; eauto using Asim.
eapply implies_star_r; [by apply implies_star_r, Arainit_split2|].
eapply sim_assn_sem, D; clear D.
eapply Asim_trans, Asim_sym, Asim_starC.
repeat (eapply Asim_trans, Asim_sym, Asim_starA).
eauto using Asim.
Lemma spin_spec mt x J :
triple mt (LockPred x J) (spin x) (fun _ ⇒ LockPred x J).
eapply rule_conseq; [
by eapply rule_repeat; [apply rule_frame with (F := LockPred x J),
rule_load_rlx |]
| |]; ins; unfold LockPred; intros ? D; desf; try done.
eapply implies_star_r in D; [|by apply implies_star_r, Arainit_split1].
eapply sim_assn_sem, D; clear D.
eapply Asim_sym, Asim_trans, Asim_sym, Asim_starC.
repeat (eapply Asim_trans, Asim_sym, Asim_starA).
by eauto using Asim.
eapply implies_star_r; [by apply implies_star_r, Arainit_split2|].
eapply sim_assn_sem, D; clear D.
eapply Asim_trans, Asim_sym, Asim_starC.
repeat (eapply Asim_trans, Asim_sym, Asim_starA).
eauto using Asim.
Lemma lock_spec x J :
triple Model_hb_rf_acyclic
(LockPred x J) (lock x) (fun _ ⇒ Astar (LockPred x J) J).
eapply rule_repeat2.
eapply rule_let; [apply spin_spec with (J := J)|]; ins.
eapply rule_cas with (QQ := LockQQ J) (QQ' := LockQQ J)
(RR := fun v ⇒ if v == 0 then LockPred x J else Astar (LockPred x J) J);
ins; desf.
4: by ins.
4: by ins; desf; ins.
unfold LockPred; intros ? D; apply (sim_assn_sem (Asim_starC _ _)).
by eapply implies_star_l, D; clear D; red; ins; subst.
unfold LockQQ at 1 3; ins; unfold LockPred.
intros ? D.
eapply implies_star_r in D; [|by apply implies_star_l, Arel_split11].
eapply sim_assn_sem, D; clear D.
eapply Asim_trans, Asim_sym, Asim_starC.
repeat (eapply Asim_trans, Asim_sym, Asim_starA).
eauto using Asim.
eapply rule_conseq.
by apply rule_frame, rule_load_rlx3.
by eapply implies_sim; unfold LockPred; eauto using Asim.
unfold LockPred; ins; unfold LockQQ at 1; desf; desf;
try solve[intros ? D; ins; desf]; eauto using implies_sim, Asim.
Lemma precise_pt a b : precise (Apt a b).
red; ins; subst; split; ins.
destruct hF, hF'; ins; f_equal.
rewrite !hplus_unfold in *; desf; ins.
extensionality y; apply (f_equal (fun f ⇒ f y)) in H0; ins.
specialize (h y); specialize (h0 y).
unfold hupd in *; desf; desf; ins; desf.
Fixpoint has_no_rlx_writes E :=
match E with
| Evalue _ | Ealloc | Eload _ _ ⇒ True
| Estore typ _ _ | Ecas typ _ _ _ _ ⇒ typ ≠ ATrlx ∧ typ ≠ ATacq
| Elet E1 E2 ⇒ has_no_rlx_writes E1 ∧ ∀ v, has_no_rlx_writes (E2 v)
| Epar E1 E2 ⇒ has_no_rlx_writes E1 ∧ has_no_rlx_writes E2
| Erepeat E ⇒ has_no_rlx_writes E
Lemma triple_false mt E QQ :
mt = Model_hb_rf_acyclic ∨ has_no_rlx_writes E →
triple mt Afalse E QQ.
split; ins; desf; destruct mt; ins.
repeat red; induction[res acts_cmd fst lst SEM] E; ins; desf; ins; desf;
rewrite ?In_app in *; ins; desf; eauto;
try match goal with H: lab _ = _ |- _ ⇒ rewrite H in *; ins; desf end.
by rewrite In_flatten in *; desf; rewrite In_map in *; desf;
destruct x0 as [ [ [] ] ]; ins; eauto.
Message passing
Lemma mp_example mt :
triple mt Aemp
(LET a <- Ealloc IN
LET c <- Ealloc IN
[[c]]_ATrel <- 0 ;;
[[a]]_ATna <- 7 ;;
[[c]]_ATrel <- 1
REPEAT [[c]]_ATacq END ;;
LET v <- [[a]]_ATna IN
[[a]]_ATna <- v + 1
END ;;
(fun v ⇒ if v == 8 then Atrue else Afalse).
pose (msgQQ a v := if v == 0 then Aemp else Apt a 7).
eapply rule_let; [apply rule_alloc_na|intro a].
eapply rule_let; [|intro c].
eapply rule_conseq_pre; [apply rule_frame, rule_alloc_atom_acq|].
instantiate (1 := Aptu a).
by intros ? D; ins; subst; repeat eexists; eauto using hplus_emp_l.
instantiate (1 := msgQQ a).
eapply rule_let.
eapply rule_let.
do 2 apply rule_frame.
eapply rule_conseq_pre; [by apply rule_store_rel2 with (QQ:=msgQQ a); vauto|].
by apply implies_sim; Asim_simpl.
eapply rule_conseq_pre with
(P := Astar (Astar (Arel c (msgQQ a)) (Aptu a))
(Astar (Aacq c (msgQQ a)) (Arainit c))); cycle 1.
eapply implies_sim; repeat (eapply Asim_trans, Asim_sym, Asim_starA).
apply Asim_sym; repeat (eapply Asim_trans, Asim_sym, Asim_starA).
by apply Asim_star; eauto using Asim.
apply rule_par.
Case "Left thread".
eapply rule_let.
eapply rule_conseq; [| |eby ins].
by apply rule_frame, rule_store_na2 with (typ := ATna); destruct mt; ins.
by eauto using implies_sim, Asim.
ins; eapply rule_conseq_pre; [by eapply rule_store_rel2; vauto|].
by eauto using implies_sim, Asim.
Case "Right thread".
eapply rule_let.
eapply rule_repeat.
eapply rule_load_acq; vauto.
by unfold msgQQ; ins; desf; eauto using precise_emp, precise_pt.
ins; replace (hupd (msgQQ a) 0 Aemp) with (msgQQ a).
by eauto using implies_sim, Asim.
by extensionality v; unfold msgQQ, hupd; ins; desf.
instantiate (1 := Astar (Apt a 8) Atrue).
ins; unfold msgQQ at 2; desf.
by eapply triple_false; vauto.
eapply rule_conseq.
eapply rule_frame with (P := Apt a 7).
eapply rule_let.
by apply rule_load_na; destruct mt; ins.
ins; desf; desf.
apply rule_store_na1; destruct mt; ins.
by eapply triple_false; vauto.
by eauto using implies_sim, Asim.
by red; ins; desf; repeat eexists; ins.
Case "Join".
ins; eapply rule_conseq.
by apply rule_frame, rule_load_na; destruct mt; ins.
by eauto using implies_sim, Asim.
by ins; desf; red; ins; desf.
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