Module Genarith

module Genarith: sig .. end
Generation of arithmetic programs

This module provides helper routines for generating arithmetic programs out of separation logic proofs following the work of Magill et al. Arithmetic program generation is turned off by default because it places a heavy burden on the garbage collector and, moreover, the generated programs are huge (mainly because the RGSep proof objects are huge).
val enabled : unit -> bool
Is arithmetic program generation enabled?
val args : (Arg.key * Arg.spec * Arg.doc) list


type ga_node 
val new_node : Assertions.cform -> ga_node
Create a new node
val put_edge_skip : ga_node -> ga_node -> unit
Put an edge from n1 to n2
val put_edge_implication : ga_node -> Exp.subst -> Pure.t -> ga_node -> unit
Put an edge from n1 to n2
val pp_function : Format.formatter -> string * ga_node -> unit
Pretty print the generated integer program reachable from a node

Extended assertions

type eform = ga_node 
type eprop = eform list 
val cform_of_eform : eform -> Assertions.cform
val eprop_of_cprop : Assertions.cprop -> eprop
Generic constructor: create a new node for each disjunct
val eprop_of_cprop_at_start_node : Assertions.cprop -> ga_node * eprop
val eprop_false : eprop
val eprop_star : Assertions.cprop -> eprop -> eprop
val eprop_star_assume : Assertions.cprop -> eprop -> eprop
val eprop_or : eprop -> eprop -> eprop
val ext_append_return : eprop -> unit
val ext_append_comment : (unit -> string) -> eprop -> eprop
val ext_append_assign : (Exp.Id.t * Exp.exp option) list -> eprop -> eprop
val ext_append_case_split : eprop -> eprop * eprop
val ext_opt_transform1 : (Assertions.cform -> Assertions.cform list option) ->
eform -> eform list option
val plain_ext_transform : (Assertions.cform -> Assertions.cprop) -> eprop -> eprop
val ext_transform : (Assertions.cform -> Assertions.cprop) -> eprop -> eprop
val remove_eform_duplicates : eform list -> eform list
Remove syntactically identical disjuncts (and add edges to the generated arithmetic program where necessary).
val map_eprop : (Exp.exp -> Exp.exp) -> eprop -> eprop
val naive_map_eprop : (Exp.exp -> Exp.exp) -> eprop -> eprop
val pp_eprop : Format.formatter -> eprop -> unit

Abstraction interface

type udom = Assertions.uform list * Assertions.uform list 
Abstract domain corresponding to a disjunction of uforms for calculating fix-points.

NB: The two components of udom are to work round the possible non-transitivity of the prover's entailment checking.

val udom_of_uform_list : Assertions.uform list -> udom
val uform_list_of_udom : udom -> Assertions.uform list
type abstraction = {
   uform_abs : bool -> Assertions.uform list -> Assertions.uform list;
   uform_join : udom ->
Assertions.uform list -> udom * Assertions.uform list
   prop_abs : eprop -> eprop;
   prop_join : eprop ->
eprop ->
eprop -> eprop * eprop * eprop
   set_abs : Exp.IdSet.t -> Exp.exp list list -> Exp.subst;
   list_abs : Exp.exp list list -> Exp.subst;
Interface provided by the abstraction module:
Imprint | Data protection