module Assertions: sig
.. end
Separation logic assertions (symbolic heaps)
This module defines:
- the internal representation of assertions & actions
- constructors for such assertions
- common operations (free variables, substitution, basic simplification)
- interference computation (generalization of septraction)
- the theorem prover interface
TODO: Only |->'s and singly-linked lists are implemented properly.
Doubly-linked lists and user-defined predicates are not.
link_kind =
Kind of link for linked lists
can_isemp =
Tags for spatial predicates.
(These are for internal use in this module only: use the default tag
constructor, default_tag
, to get a tag.)
pstate =
can_spred =
Canonical heap predicate.
NB: Unlike Smallfoot, the list segments of CAVE (Csp_listsegi
) are
"imprecise". For justification, read the SAS 2007 paper on SmallfootRG.
can_spatial = can_spred list
Star-conjunction of heap predicates
uform = Pure.t * can_spatial
Canonical formulas without boxes
cform = uform * (Misc.component, cprop) Misc.plist
Canonical formulas with boxes
cprop = cform list
Canonical proposition: disjunction of canonical formulas
Type of RGSep actions used for interference calculations
exception No_frame_found of string
exception Junk
val tag_default : tag
val tag2_default : tag2
val spred_fold : (Exp.exp -> 'a -> 'a) -> can_spred -> 'a -> 'a
val spat_empty : can_spatial
val spat_one : can_spred -> can_spatial
val spat_star_one : can_spred -> can_spatial -> can_spatial
val spat_star : can_spatial -> can_spatial -> can_spatial
val spat_remove : can_spatial -> can_spred -> can_spatial
val spat_fold : (Exp.exp -> 'a -> 'a) -> can_spatial -> 'a -> 'a
val spat_fold_spred : (can_spred -> 'a -> 'a) -> can_spatial -> 'a -> 'a
val spat_get : Exp.exp ->
can_spatial ->
(can_spred * can_spatial) option
val compare_can_spred : can_spred -> can_spred -> int
val abs_compare_can_spred : can_spred -> can_spred -> int
val uform_false : uform
val cform_false : cform
val cprop_false : cprop
val uform_empty : uform
val cprop_empty : cprop
val is_cprop_empty : cprop -> bool
val cprop_pure : Pure.t -> cprop
val cprop_spred : can_spatial -> cprop
val cprop_uform : uform -> cprop
val cprop_cform : cform -> cprop
val mk_array : tag ->
Exp.exp ->
Exp.exp ->
Exp.exp -> Exp.Fld.t -> Exp.Dset.t -> uform -> uform
val cform_star : cform -> cform -> cform option
cform_star cf1 cf2
may return None
if the result is inconsistent
val cprop_star : cprop -> cprop -> cprop
val and_cprop_pure : cprop -> Pure.t -> cprop
val cprop_or : cprop -> cprop -> cprop
val cprop_box : Misc.component -> cprop -> cprop
val aggr_remove_cform_duplicates : cprop -> cprop
Removes duplicates and combines boxes
val compare_uform : uform -> uform -> int
val compare_cform : cform -> cform -> int
val compare_cprop : cprop -> cprop -> int
val compare_component_cprop : Misc.component * cprop -> Misc.component * cprop -> int
val remove_uform_duplicates : uform list -> uform list
val remove_cform_duplicates : cform list -> cform list
val can_spred_leq : can_spred -> can_spred -> Exp.exp
val equal_pstate : pstate -> pstate -> bool
Free variables
val uform_fhd : uform -> Exp.IdSet.t -> Exp.IdSet.t
val spred_fv : can_spred -> Exp.IdSet.t -> Exp.IdSet.t
Return the free variables of a spatial predicate
val spred_exfv : can_spred -> Exp.IdSet.t -> Exp.IdSet.t
val prop_fv : cprop -> Exp.IdSet.t -> Exp.IdSet.t
Return the free variables of an assertion
val fv_norm_cprop : cprop -> Exp.IdSet.t
Return the non-existential free variables of an assertion
val prop_exfv : cprop -> Exp.IdSet.t -> Exp.IdSet.t
Return the existential free variables of an assertion
val form_exfv : cform -> Exp.IdSet.t -> Exp.IdSet.t
val abs_fv_uform : uform -> Exp.Id.t list
Returns existential free variables in a canonical order
val map_spat : (Exp.exp -> Exp.exp) -> can_spatial -> can_spatial
val map_uform : (Exp.exp -> Exp.exp) -> uform -> uform list
val map_cform : (Exp.exp -> Exp.exp) -> cform -> cprop
val map_cprop : (Exp.exp -> Exp.exp) -> cprop -> cprop
val map_ip_body : (Exp.exp -> Exp.exp) ->
(Pure.t * cform) list -> (Pure.t * cform) list
val naive_map_cform : (Exp.exp -> Exp.exp) -> cform -> cform
val form_kill_hd_vars : cform -> cform
val prop_kill_can_return : cprop -> cprop
val normalize_uform : uform -> uform list
val normalize_cform : cform -> cprop
val normalize_cform_aggr : cform -> cprop
val normalize_cprop : cprop -> cprop
val kill_garbage_vars : cprop -> cprop
val kill_garbage_vars_ufl : uform list -> uform list
val aggr_kill_garbage_vars : cprop -> cprop
val kill_dead_vars : Exp.IdSet.t -> cprop -> cprop
Kill the variables of cp
that are not directly reachable from the set s
Theorem prover interface
prover = {
Interface provided by the theorem provers:
and expose_ptsto
: used by symbolic execution, but should
be removed.
nf_cprop sl_context eq cp = cp'
where cp'
is a normal form
of cp
nf_cform cf
returns cprop_false
if cf
is inconsistent,
or cp'
such that cf <==> cp'
nf_cprop [] empty_eq cp' = cp'
entails_cprop cp cp'
returns inst
if cp * inst |- cp'
find_frame_cprop fr cp1 cp2
returns res
such that cp1 |- cp2 * res
in context fr
(i.e. for all R
, (fr /\ R) * cp1 |- (fr /\ R) * cp2 * res
or raises No_frame_found
val new_acts : string ->
cprop ->
cprop -> cprop -> act list
Create a new set of actions: new_acts name ctx pre post
val new_acts_one : string ->
Pure.t ->
can_spatial ->
can_spatial -> can_spatial -> act list
Create a new set of actions: new_acts name pure ctx pre post
val new_act_opt : string ->
Pure.t ->
can_spatial ->
(Exp.exp * Exp.Fld.t * Exp.Fld.t) list ->
can_spatial -> cprop -> act
val act_name : act -> string
Return the name of an action
val act_conj : Exp.exp -> act -> act
val act_changes : Exp.exp -> Misc.component -> act list -> act list
val interfere_once : prover -> act -> cprop -> cprop
interfere_once prover act cp
calculate the effect of applying
interference act
to cp
Pretty printing
val pp_spred : Format.formatter -> can_spred -> unit
val pp_uform : Format.formatter -> uform -> unit
val pp_cform : Format.formatter -> cform -> unit
val pp_cprop : Format.formatter -> cprop -> unit
val pp_act : Format.formatter -> act -> unit
val pp_pstate : Format.formatter -> pstate -> unit
Configuration parameters
val allow_leaks : bool Pervasives.ref
val disable_pure_code_checking : bool Pervasives.ref
val args : (Arg.key * Arg.spec * Arg.doc) list