Module Parsetree

module Parsetree: sig .. end
Abstract syntax tree produced by the parser

type p_type = string 
type p_read_memory_order = 
| Prmo_nonatomic
| Prmo_relaxed
| Prmo_acquire
| Prmo_seq_cst
type p_write_memory_order = 
| Pwmo_nonatomic
| Pwmo_relaxed of (string * string * a_expression list) option
| Pwmo_release of (string * string * a_expression list) option
| Pwmo_seq_cst of (string * string * a_expression list) option
type p_cas_memory_order = 
| Pcmo_seq_cst
| Pcmo_rel_acq
| Pcmo_release
| Pcmo_acquire
| Pcmo_relaxed
type p_expression = {
   pexp_desc : p_expression_desc;
   pexp_loc : Location.t;
type p_expression_desc = 
| Pexp_ident of string
| Pexp_num of int
| Pexp_bool of bool
| Pexp_prefix of string * p_expression
| Pexp_infix of string * p_expression * p_expression
| Pexp_cast of p_expression * p_type (*impure*)
| Pexp_fld of p_expression * Misc.component * p_read_memory_order (*impure*)
| Pexp_cas of p_expression * Misc.component * p_expression
* p_expression * p_cas_memory_order
* p_read_memory_order
| Pexp_new of p_type * p_expression (*impure*)
| Pexp_fun of string * p_expression list
| Pexp_fcall of string * actual_params (*impure*)
type actual_params = p_expression list * p_expression list 
type a_expression = p_expression 
without the impure cases
type dlink_kind = 
| DL
| XL
type a_proposition = 
| Aprop_exp of a_expression
| Aprop_node of Misc.component * a_expression
* (Misc.component * a_expression) list
| Aprop_indpred of string * (string * Location.t) list * a_expression list
* Location.t
| Aprop_ifthenelse of a_expression * a_proposition * a_proposition
| Aprop_star of a_proposition * a_proposition
| Aprop_barbar of a_proposition * a_proposition
| Aprop_box of Misc.component * a_proposition
| Aprop_atomic_fld of a_expression * string * string * string
* a_expression list
| Aprop_escrow of string * a_expression list
| Aprop_token of a_expression
type a_invariant = a_proposition option 
type p_statement = {
   pstm_desc : p_statement_desc;
   pstm_loc : Location.t;
type p_statement_desc = 
| Pstm_exp of p_expression
| Pstm_assign of string * p_expression option
| Pstm_fldassign of (p_expression * Misc.component * p_expression) list
* p_write_memory_order
| Pstm_dispose of p_expression * p_expression
| Pstm_block of p_statement list
| Pstm_assume of p_expression
| Pstm_if of p_expression option * p_statement * p_statement
| Pstm_while of a_invariant * p_expression option * p_statement
| Pstm_atomic of p_expression * p_statement
| Pstm_withres of Misc.component * p_expression * p_statement * string
* p_expression list
| Pstm_action of p_statement * Misc.component * string * p_expression list
| Pstm_parblock of (string option * string * actual_params) list
| Pstm_interfere of Misc.component * string
| Pstm_return of p_expression option
| Pstm_break
| Pstm_continue
| Pstm_comment of string
type p_action = string * (string * Location.t) list * a_proposition *
a_proposition * a_proposition *
p_statement list * Location.t
type p_vars = (string * p_type * Location.t) list 
type p_state_after = string * (string * Location.t) list * a_proposition * Location.t 
type p_protocol_state = string * (string * Location.t) list * p_state_after list * 
string * a_proposition * Location.t
type p_item = 
| Pdec_options of (string * string * Location.t) list
| Pdec_class of string * p_vars * Location.t
| Pdec_var of string * p_type * bool * Location.t
| Pdec_fun of string * p_type * (p_vars * p_vars)
* (a_invariant * a_invariant)
* (p_vars * p_statement list) * bool * Location.t
| Pdec_resource of Misc.component * (string * Location.t) list * a_invariant
* (p_vars * p_statement list)
* p_statement list option * p_action list * Location.t
| Pdec_indpred of string * (string * Location.t) list * a_proposition * Location.t
| Pdec_comment of string
| Pdec_protocol of string * p_protocol_state list * Location.t
| Pdec_escrow of string * (string * Location.t) list * a_proposition
* a_proposition * Location.t
type p_program = p_item list 
val iter : (Location.t -> p_statement_desc -> unit) ->
p_statement list -> unit
iter f s calls f on each statement in s
val a_prop_empty : a_proposition
val exp_is_pure : p_expression -> bool
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