Library ArefNaive
This file defines a simple implementation of adjustable references,
thereby ensuring soundness of the adjustable reference axioms.
Part 1. Adjustable reference axiomatization (same as in Aref.v)
Module Type AREF.
Parameter aref : forall R T, (R -> T) -> Type.
Parameter aref_val : forall R T (f: R -> T), R -> aref f.
Axiom aref_inh : forall R T (f: R -> T) (r: aref f), exists v, r = aref_val f v.
Parameter aref_get : forall R T (f: R -> T), aref f -> T.
Axiom aref_get_val : forall R T (f: R -> T) v, aref_get (aref_val f v) = f v.
Parameter aref_getu :
forall R A B (f : R -> A -> B) (upd : R -> A -> R * B)
(PF: forall x a, f (fst (upd x a)) = f x)
(PF': forall x a, snd (upd x a) = f x a),
aref f -> A -> B.
Axiom aref_getuE : forall R A B (f : R -> A -> B) upd PF PF',
aref_getu upd PF PF' = aref_get (f:=f).
Parameter aref_new :
forall R1 T1 (f1: R1 -> T1) (r: aref f1)
R2 T2 (f2 : R2 -> T2) (g: forall v, aref_get r = f1 v -> R2)
(PF: forall x pfx y pfy, f2 (g x pfx) = f2 (g y pfy)),
aref f2.
Arguments aref_new [R1 T1 f1] r [R2 T2 f2] g PF.
Axiom aref_new_val :
forall R1 T1 (f1: R1 -> T1) v R2 T2 (f2: R2 -> T2) g PF,
aref_new (aref_val f1 v) g PF = aref_val f2 (g v (aref_get_val f1 v)).
Part 2. Adjustable reference implementation
Module ArefImpl : AREF.
Definition aref R T (f : R -> T) := R.
Definition aref_val R T (f: R -> T) (v : R) := v.
Definition aref_get R T (f: R -> T) (r : aref f) := f r.
Definition aref_getu
R A B (f : R -> A -> B) (upd : R -> A -> R * B)
(PF: forall x a, f (fst (upd x a)) = f x)
(PF': forall x a, snd (upd x a) = f x a) := aref_get f.
Definition aref_new R1 T1 (f1: R1 -> T1) (r: aref f1)
R2 T2 (f2 : R2 -> T2) (g: forall v, aref_get f1 r = f1 v -> R2)
(PF: forall x pfx y pfy, f2 (g x pfx) = f2 (g y pfy)) :=
g r eq_refl.
Arguments aref_new [R1 T1 f1] r [R2 T2 f2] g PF.
Lemma aref_getuE : forall R A B (f : R -> A -> B) upd PF PF',
aref_getu f upd PF PF' = aref_get f.
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma aref_inh : forall R T (f: R -> T) (r: aref f), exists v, r = aref_val f v.
Proof. vauto. Qed.
Lemma aref_get_val : forall R T (f: R -> T) v, aref_get f (aref_val f v) = f v.
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma aref_new_val :
forall R1 T1 (f1: R1 -> T1) v R2 T2 (f2: R2 -> T2) g PF,
aref_new (aref_val f1 v) (f2:=f2) g PF = aref_val f2 (g v (aref_get_val f1 v)).
Proof. intros; unfold aref_new, aref_val; f_equal; apply proof_irrelevance. Qed.
End ArefImpl.