On large zeros of linear recurrence sequences

Florian Luca, Joël Ouaknine, and James Worrell

The Skolem Problem asks to determine whether a given integer linear recurrence sequence (LRS) has a zero term. This problem, whose decidability has been open for many decades, arises across a wide range of topics in computer science, including loop termination, formal languages, automata theory, and probabilistic model checking, amongst many others.

In the present paper, we introduce a notion of "large" zeros of linear recurrence sequences, i.e., zeros occurring at an index larger than a sixth-fold exponential of the size of the data defining the given LRS. We establish two main results. First, we show that large zeros are very sparse: the set of positive integers that can possibly arise as large zeros of some LRS has null density. This in turn immediately yields a Universal Skolem Set of density one, answering a question left open in the literature. Second, we define an infinite set of prime numbers, termed "good", having density one amongst all prime numbers, with the following property: for any large zero of a given LRS, there is an interval around the large zero together with an upper bound on the number of good primes possibly present in that interval. The bound in question is much lower than one would expect if good primes were similarly distributed as ordinary prime numbers, as per the Cramér model in number theory. We therefore conjecture that large zeros do not exist, which would entail decidability of the Skolem Problem.

Submitted, 2025. 10 pages.

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