Nets with tokens which carry data

Ranko Lazic, Tom Newcomb, Joël Ouaknine, A. W. Roscoe, and James Worrell

We study data nets, a generalisation of Petri nets in which tokens carry data from linearly-ordered infinite domains and in which whole-place operations such as resets and transfers are possible. Data nets subsume several known classes of infinite-state systems, including multiset rewriting systems and polymorphic systems with arrays.

We show that coverability and termination are decidable for arbitrary data nets, and that boundedness is decidable for data nets in which whole-place operations are restricted to transfers. By providing an encoding of lossy channel systems into data nets without whole-place operations, we establish that coverability, termination and boundedness for the latter class have non-primitive recursive complexity. The main result of the paper is that, even for unordered data domains (i.e., with only the equality predicate), each of the three verification problems for data nets without whole-place operations has non-elementary complexity.

Proceedings of ICATPN 07, LNCS 4546, 2007. 20 pages.

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