Alternating timed automata over bounded time

Mark Jenkins, Joël Ouaknine, Alexander Rabinovich, and James Worrell

Alternating timed automata are a powerful extension of classical Alur-Dill timed automata that are closed under all Boolean operations. They have played a key role, among others, in providing verification algorithms for prominent specification formalisms such as Metric Temporal Logic. Unfortunately, when interpreted over an infinite dense time domain (such as the reals), alternating timed automata have an undecidable language emptiness problem.

The main result of this paper is that, over bounded time domains, language emptiness for alternating timed automata is decidable (but nonelementary). The proof involves showing decidability of a class of parametric McNaughton games that are played over timed words and that have winning conditions expressed in the monadic logic of order augmented with the distance-one relation.

As a corollary, we establish the decidability of the time-bounded model-checking problem for Alur-Dill timed automata against specifications expressed as alternating timed automata.

Proceedings of LICS 10, 2010. 10 pages.

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