Goran Radanović
Room 436
Campus E1 5
D-66123 Saarbrücken
Tel: +49 681 9303 8618
About me
I am a research group leader the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems (MPI-SWS),
where I lead the multi-agent systems group.
I am generally interested in studying AI systems, and more specifically in the design and analysis of systems with intelligent and self-interested agents. Particular topics of my research interest are related to trustworthy AI, and have included incentive mechanism design, human-AI collaboration, fairness in machine learning, and more recently, robust and accountable multi-agent sequential decision making. My research utilizes tools from game theory (esp. mechanism design), machine learning (esp. reinforcement learning), and human-centered AI (esp. crowdsourcing), and covers both theoretical and practical aspects of problem instances related to my research topics.
Prior to joining MPI-SWS, I was a postdoctoral researcher at Harvard University, where I worked with
Prof. David C. Parkes, as a part of the EconCS group. I have received my Ph.D. in Computer Science from EPFL, under the supervision of Prof. Boi Faltings.
I have received my Master's and Bachelor's degrees in Computer Science from
the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and
Computing at the University of Zagreb.
I am looking for motivated students (PhD, MSc projects, internships). In case you are interested, drop me an email with a brief statement of interest and your CV.