I am a first year PhD candidate at the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems, advised by Antoine Kaufmann.
I grew up in Fremont, California where I enjoyed hiking, mushroom foraging, bouldering, and the weather. After completing my bachelors at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, I worked for 3 years at Sambanova Systems in Palo Alto, and recently started my PhD in Saarbrücken, Saarland with the MPI-SWS OS Group.
I am working on building efficient computer systems for scientific applications. This involves dissecting scientific algorithms, desigining specialized hardware, and mapping abstractions across scientific and applied computing domains. Through meticulous co-design, the latest computing advances can better serve cutting-edge physical, biological, chemical, and social sciences research.
04.01.2024 → This website went live! 23.10.2023 → Volunteered at SOSP23 in Koblenz 06.08.2023 → Volunteered at CMMRS 15.07.2023 → Arrived in Saarbrucken
02 days since last exposure to sunlight 15 miles biked this week 01 lie told above 05 places held 00 days since website last updated