This version of HaMLet incorporates a number of simple extensions and changes proposed for Successor ML []. Lexical Syntax -------------- * Line Comments. The token "(*)" begins a comment that stretches until the end of line. * Extended Literals. Numeric literals may contain underscores to group digits, as in 1_000_000_000, 3.141_592_653, or 0wx_f300_4588. Furthermore, numeric literals in binary notation are supported, e.g. 0wb1101_0010. Records ------- * Record Punning (derived form). In record expressions, a field of the form id=id can be abbreviated to id (in Standard ML that is only allowed in patterns). For instance: fn {a, b, c} => {a, b=b+1, c, d=0} * Record Extension. A record r can be extended using the notation {a=2, b=3, ...=r}. For instance, val r1 = {a=1, b=2} val r2 = {c=0, ...=r1} binds r2 to {a=1, b=2, c=0}. The same syntax is available in patterns to match the "rest" of a record: case r2 of {b, ...=r'} => r' evaluates to {a=1, c=0}. As a derived form, ellipses can appear at any position in the record (but only once): val r2 = {...=r1, c=0} Note that the context must still determine the fields denoted by the ellipses (i.e. there is no record polymorphism yet). Those fields may not overlap with the enumerated ones. Record types can also be formed by extension: type 'a t = {a:'a, b:bool} type 'a u = {c:char, d:'a list, ...:'a t} Now 'a u is equivalent to {a:'a, b:bool, c:char, d:'a list}. * Record update (derived form). Besides extension, a record r can be updated, using the notation {r where a=2, b=3}. For example: val r1 = {a=1, b=2, c=6} val r2 = {r1 where b="hi"} binds r2 to {a=1, b="hi", c=6}. Again, the context must determine the fields in the base record. It must include all updated fields (i.e. it is orthogonal to extension). Note that update may change the types of modified fields. Pattern Matching ---------------- * Disjunctive Patterns. So-called "or-patterns" of the form "pat1 | pat2" are supported. For example: fun fac (0|1) = 1 | fac n = n * fac(n-1) The syntax subsumes multiple or-patterns and multiple matches: case exp of | A | B | C => 1 | D | E => 2 * Conjunctive Patterns. Layered patterns ("as" patterns) have been generalised to allow arbitrary subpatterns on both sides, i.e. "pat1 as pat2". They are useful in combination with nested matches (see below), but also have the advantage that the order of binding may now be inverted (pat as x), which sometimes is more readable. * Nested matches. Patterns may contain nested matching constructs of the form pat1 with pat2 = exp Such a pattern is matched by first matching pat1, then evaluating exp, and matching its result against pat2. Variables bound in pat1 may occur in exp. The pattern fails when either pattern does not match. The pattern binds the combined set of variables occuring in pat1 and pat2. For instance, consider: case xs of [x,y] with SOME z = f(x,y) => x+y+z | _ => 0 If xs is a two-element list [x,y] such that f(x,y) returns SOME z, then the whole expression evaluates to x+y+z, otherwise to 0. Nested matches are a very general construct that allows simple "views" and pattern guards to be defined uniformly as derived forms (see below). They can also be useful in combination with disjunctive patterns, case args of x::_ | (nil with x = 0) => ... or with guards (see below): fun escape #"\"" = "\\\"" | escape #"\\" = "\\\\" | escape (c with n=ord c) if (n < 32) = "\\^" ^ str(chr(n+64)) | escape c = str c * Pattern guards (derived form). Patterns may contain a boolean guards of the form "if exp", like in fun nth(l, n) = case (l, n) of | (x::_, 0) => x | (_::xs, n) if n>0 => nth(xs, n-1) | _ => raise Subscript Guards are also allowed in function declarations: fun nth(x::_, 0) = x | nth(_::xs, n) if (n>0) = nth(xs, n-1) | nth( _, _) = raise Subscript A pattern guard "pat if exp" actually is syntactic sugar for the the nested pattern "pat with true = exp" and may hence appear inside other patterns. * Transformation patterns (derived form). Transformation patterns provide "poor man's views" in the form ?exp ?exp pat The first form provides boolean "views": fun skipSpace(?isSpace :: cs) = skipSpace cs | skipSpace cs = cs The parameterised form allows actual matching. Consider a signature for queues: type 'a queue val empty : 'a queue val enqueue : 'a * 'a queue -> 'a queue val dequeue : 'a queue -> ('a * 'a queue) option With transformations, queues can be pattern matched as follows: fun process (?dequeue(x,q)) = (digest x; process q) | process _ = terminate() The transformation may be denoted by an arbitrary expression. Consider a simple set ADT: type set val empty : set val insert : int -> set -> set val isEmpty : set -> bool val has : int -> set -> bool The following is possible: fun f n ?isempty = f1 () | f n ?(has n) = f2 () | f n _ = f3 () Or another example, with a parameterised transformation: (*) val split : char -> string -> (string * string) option fun manExp(?(split #"E")(b,e)) = (b,e) | manExp s = (s,"1") Transformation patterns are actually only sugar for nested matches: the form "?exp" expands to "x with true = exp(x)", while the parameterised form "?exp pat" expands to "x with SOME(pat) = exp(x)". As a minor subtlety, in patterns with multiple subpatterns, patterns to the right may refer to variables bound by patterns to the left. For example, (x, ?(equals x)) x as ?(notOccurs x)(T(x1,x2)) In particular, this allows the function f from above to be expressed without a separate case expression. Note that HaMLet also features proper views (see below). Simultaneous support for both these features should allow evaluating the merits of each approach. * Optional Bars and Semicolons. An optional bar is allowed before the first rule of a match, yielding more regular and editing-friendly notation: case f n of | LESS => f(n-1) | EQUAL => n | GREATER => f(n+1) This is also supported for "fn" and "handle", for function declarations, and for datatype declarations. For instance, datatype 'a exp = | Const of 'a | Var of string | Lambda of string * 'a exp | App of 'a exp * 'a exp In a similar vein, optional terminating semicolons are allowed for expression sequences. For example, in a let expression: fun myfunc1(x, y) = let val z = x + y in f x; g y; h z; end The same applies to parenthesised expressions and sequences. Value Definitions ----------------- * Simpler Recursive Bindings. Recursive bindings can no longer override constructor status. The syntax for recursive bindings has been made less baroque: the "rec" keyword must always follow directly after "val", and may no longer be repeated. This just rules out pathological cases most programmers might not even be aware of. * Strengthened Value Restriction. The value restriction has been extended to demand that patterns in polymorphic bindings are exhaustive. This fixes a conceptual bug in the language and enables type passing implementations. * Do declarations. The simple derived form do exp expands to "val () = exp" and allows expressions to be evaluated for their side effects within declarations. Type Definitions ---------------- * Withtype Specifications (derived form). The "withtype" syntax for defining mutually recursive datatypes and type synonyms is available in signatures (in Standard ML it is only supported in structures). * Proper Scoping for Transparent Type Specifications (derived form). Transparent type specifications in signatures have scoping rules consistent with the rest of the language, i.e. type t = bool signature S = sig type t = int and u = t end no longer equates u with int. * Degraded Abstype (derived form). The more or less obsolete "abstype" declaration form has been removed from the bare language and been redefined as a simple derived form. This change does not have much visible effect, but simplifies implementations and can be seen as a first step towards removing it altogether. * Abolished "and" in Type Realisations (derived form). The syntax of type realisations using "where" does no longer allow multiple equations connected with "and". That arcane syntax produced an annoying singularity in the language and was never implemented correctly by most SML implementations. Views ----- * View Declarations. Views enable the definition of abstract constructors for arbitrary types that can be used in patterns as if they were ordinary datatype constructors. A view primarily defines a set of constructors and two functions for converting between these and the actual type the view is defined for. For example, consider a simple view allowing (positive) integers to be viewed as inductive numbers: viewtype peano = int as Zero | Succ of int with fun from Zero = 0 | from (Succ n) = n+1 fun to 0 = Zero | to n if (n>0) = Succ(n-1) | to n = raise Domain end This defines a view for type int. The type constructor peano provides a name for this view. Views may be defined for arbitrary types, and there may be arbitrarily many views for a given type. Given the viewtype definition above, we can construct integers using the constructors it introduces: val n = Succ(Succ(Succ Zero)) (*) binds n to 3 val n = Succ 2 (*) likewise The function from given with the view declaration defines how a view constructor is converted to the underlying type, and is applied implicitly for every occurrence of a view constructor in an expression. The inverse function to defines how a value of the underlying type is interpreted in terms of the view constructors. It is applied implicitly whenever a value of the underlying type is matched against a pattern using one of the view's constructors: fun fac Zero = 1 | fac(Succ n) = Succ n * fac n This defines a factorial function on integers. When fac is applied to an integer i, the function to is implicitly applied to i first and its result is matched against the constructors appearing in the definition of fac. The body of a view declaration may contain arbitrary (auxiliary) declarations, but must feature the two functions from and to with the appropriate types. None of the declarations is visible outside the view declaration. Views must be used consistently, that is, a match may not use different views, or a view and concrete constants of the underlying type, *for the same position* in a pattern. For instance, the following is illegal: fun fac (0 | 1) = 1 | fac (Succ n) = Succ n * fac n Thanks to this restriction, the compiler is still able to check exhaustiveness and irredundancy of patterns, even in the presence of views. * View Specifications. Views are particularly interesting in conjunction with abstract types. For that purpose, it is possible to specify views in signatures: signature COMPLEX = sig type complex viewtype cart = complex as Cart of real * real viewtype pole = complex as Pole of real * real end A view specification can either be matched by a corresponding view declaration, or by an appropriate datatype definition: structure Complex :> COMPLEX = struct datatype cart = Cart of real * real type complex = cart viewtype pole = complex as Pole of real * real with open Math fun to(Cart(x,y)) = Pole(sqrt(x*x + y*y), atan2(x,y)) fun from(Pole(r,t)) = Cart(r*cos(t), r*sin(t)) end end The implementation of a viewtype is kept abstract, and both of the above views can be used uniformly where appropriate: open Complex fun add(Cart(x1,y1), Cart(x2,y2)) = Cart(x1+x2, y1+y2) fun mul(Pole(r1,t1), Pole(r2,t2)) = Pole(r1*r2, t1+t2) * View Replication (derived form). Instead of opening the structure, a view can also be pulled into scope (and thus enable unqualified use of its constructors) by a viewtype replication declaration, analogous to SML's datatype replication: viewtype cart = viewtype Complex.cart Apart from viewtype replication, the name of a view acts as a synonym for the underlying representation type -- except inside the view definition itself, where it used to denote the (otherwise anonymous) datatype representing the view. Modules ------- * Higher-order Functors. To support higher-order modules, structure expressions are generalised to include functor expressions, analogous to function expressions in the core: fct strid : sigexp => strexp Likewise, signature expressions may denote dependent functor signatures: fct strid : sigexp1 -> sigexp2 As a derived form, non-dependent functor signatures (where strid does not occur in sigexp2) may be abbreviated as follows: sigexp1 -> sigexp2 SML's functor declarations are degraded to a mere derived forms, analogous to function declarations with "fun" in the core language. They support curried functors: functor strid (strid1 : sigexp1) ... (stridN : sigexpN) = strexp For uniformity, and to avoid subtle syntax, the identifier classes for structures and functors are merged. As another derived form, SML/NJ compatible syntax is provided for functor descriptions in signatures: functor strid (strid1 : sigexp1) ... (stridN : sigexpN) : sigexp Functor application syntax is generalised to strexp1 strexp2 as in the core. Parentheses are allowed anywhere in structure and signature expressions. The derived form allowing a parenthesised declaration as a functor argument is maintained and generalised by enabling ( strdec ) to abbreviate a structure in all contexts. For symmetry, ( spec ) can be used to abbreviate a signature. Particularly, it can abbreviate a functor argument: fct (spec) => strexp fct (spec) -> sigexp which is also allowed in the functor declaration and specification derived forms, generalising the similar derived form known from SML. The semantics is kept simple. All functors are fully generative. * Nested Signatures. Signatures are allowed as structure members. This implies the presence of qualified signature identifiers A.B.S, and the addition of (manifest) signature specifications in signatures: signature S = sig type t signature T = sig val x : t end end structure M : S = struct type t = int signature T = sig val x : int end end structure N : M.T = struct val x = 79 end A signature definition matches a signature specification if and only if they denote equivalent signatures. * Local Modules. Structure, functor and signature declarations are allowed in local scope: fun sortWithoutDups compare = let structure Set = MkSet(type t = string; val compare = compare) in Set.toList o foldr Set.insert Set.empty end Naturally, types defined in local scope may not leak. Furthermore, as a derived form, open declarations may contain arbitrary module expressions: fun sortWithoutDups compare = let open MkSet(type t = string; val compare = compare) in toList o foldr insert empty end * First-class modules. Modules can be wrapped up as first-class values, by giving a module expression and an appropriate signature: val p = pack Int : INTEGER The type of such a value is val p : pack INTEGER To unwrap a package, another signature constraint is necessary, e.g.: fun four x = let structure I = unpack x : INTEGER in I.toString(I.fromString "4") end Or, using generalised "open": fun four x = let open unpack x : INTEGER in toString(fromString "4") end The type of four is inferred as "pack INTEGER -> string". ---------- Please see INSTALL.txt for brief instructions and the doc directory for the full documentation. See LICENSE.txt for licensing information. All HaMLet sources (c) 1999-2007 Andreas Rossberg.