Marcel Dischinger
eMail: marcel.dischinger (at)
PGP-Key :
C5F2 E651 B0B1 7840 0D50 61E5 1998 292B 3595 3292
I was a doctoral student at the
Max Planck Institute for Software Systems and graduated in October 2010.
My advisor is
Krishna Gummadi.
I received my diploma in computer science from the University of Karlsruhe,
Germany in 2005.
My research interests span the areas of networking and distributed systems.
In particular, I am interested in the measurement, analysis, and design of Internet-scale networked
My recent work focuses on making the Internet more transparent to users and researchers.
As part of the Glasnost project, I am building easy to use online tools,
e.g., to detect whether an ISP blocks BitTorrent traffic.
Furthermore, by developing novel measurement tools I was able to study Internet edge networks,
such as DSL, cable, and cellular broadband networks,
which configuration and characteristics were not well-studied before, at large scale.
In a related project, I work on building new testbed infrastructures to help researchers
evaluate their designs in heterogeneous network environments.
And I am also working on new network architectures to deliver bulk content
(e.g., DVDs, online backups) over the Internet cheaply and more efficiently.
Previously, I was working in the area of mobile ad-hoc and P2P networks.
Glasnost: Bringing Transparency to the Internet
[webpage] [paper]
To improve network transparency, we are building easy to use online tools, for example
a tool that can detect blocking of BitTorrent traffic by ISPs.
[webpage] [paper]
SatelliteLab is a new Internet testbed design that allows all sorts of end nodes to join the testbed,
e.g., home machines, wireless hosts, PDAs, and cell-phones.
Characterizing Residential Broadband Networks
[webpage] [paper]
This work presents the first large-scale study of residential broadband networks and shows that they differ significantly
from academic networks.
[webpage] [paper]
Monarch is a tool that accurately emulates transport protocol flows from an end host under the
experimenter's control to any other end host that responds to simple TCP, UDP or ICMP packet probes.
The Local and Global Effects of Traffic Shaping in the Internet
[pdf] [BibTeX]
Massimiliano Marcon,
Marcel Dischinger,
Krishna P. Gummadi,
and Amin Vahdat
In Proceedings of the Third Conference on Communication Systems and Networks (COMSNETS), Bangalore, India, January 2011
Glasnost: Enabling End Users to Detect Traffic Differentiation
[pdf] [BibTeX] [slides odf]
Marcel Dischinger,
Massimiliano Marcon,
Saikat Guha,
Krishna P. Gummadi,
Ratul Mahajan,
and Stefan Saroiu
In Proceedings of the USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI), San Jose, CA, USA, April 2010
Detecting BitTorrent Blocking
[pdf] [BibTeX] [slides odf]
Marcel Dischinger,
Alan Mislove,
Andreas Haeberlen,
and Krishna P. Gummadi
In Proceedings of the Internet Measurement Conference 2008, Vouliagmeni, Greece, October 2008
SatelliteLab: Adding Heterogeneity to Planetary-Scale Testbeds
[pdf] [BibTeX]
Marcel Dischinger,
Andreas Haeberlen,
Ivan Beschastnikh,
Krishna P. Gummadi,
and Stefan Saroiu
In Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM Conference 2008, Seattle, WA, USA, August 2008
Characterizing Residential Broadband Networks
[pdf] [BibTeX] [slides ppt]
Marcel Dischinger,
Andreas Haeberlen,
Krishna P. Gummadi,
and Stefan Saroiu
In Proceedings of the Internet Measurement Conference 2007, San Diego, CA, USA, October 2007
Monarch: A Tool to Emulate Transport Protocol Flows over the Internet at Large
[pdf] [BibTeX]
Andreas Haeberlen,
Marcel Dischinger,
Krishna P. Gummadi,
and Stefan Saroiu
In Proceedings of the Internet Measurement Conference 2006, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2006
The Local and Global Effects of Traffic Shaping in the Internet
Massimiliano Marcon,
Marcel Dischinger,
Krishna P. Gummadi,
and Amin Vahdat
Poster at ACM SIGCOMM Conference 2008, Seattle, WA, USA, August 2008
Anonymity in the Personalized Web
Nuno Santos,
Alan Mislove,
Marcel Dischinger,
and Krishna P. Gummadi
Poster at NSDI 2008, San Francisco, CA, USA, April 2008
SatelliteLab: Adding Heterogeneity to Planetary-Scale Testbeds
Andreas Haeberlen,
Marcel Dischinger,
Ivan Beschastnikh,
and Krishna P. Gummadi
Poster at SOSP 2007, Stevenson, WA, USA, October 2007
Residential Broadband Networks: Characteristics and Implications
Marcel Dischinger,
Andreas Haeberlen,
Krishna P. Gummadi,
and Stefan Saroiu
Poster at NSDI 2007, Cambridge, MA, USA, April 2007
Making Broadband Access Networks Transparent to Researchers, Developers, and Users
Max Planck Institute for Software Systems, October 2010
PhD Thesis. Advisor: Krishna P. Gummadi
Mobility Enhancements to an Approach for Structured Overlay Routing in Wireless Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
System Architecture Group,
University of Karlsruhe, 24. November, 2005
Diploma Thesis. Advisors: Prof. Dr. Frank Bellosa,
Curt Cramer
Press Coverage
Putting the Brakes on Web-Surfing Speeds
Kevin J. O'Brien, The New York Times, November 14th, 2011
Glasnost im Internet
Max Planck Forschung - Das Wissenschaftsmagazin der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
Heft Spezial "Innovation", 2009
Google begins effort to find Internet blockers
Kim Dixon, Reuters, Jan 28, 2009
Study: Cox, Comcast Internet subscribers blocked
Peter Svensson, Associated Press, May 15, 2008
As I left MPI-SWS, please contact me via eMail only!
eMail: marcel.dischinger (at)