Joël Ouaknine
Joël Ouaknine
Scientific Director
Max Planck Institute for Software Systems
Max Planck Institute for Software Systems
Saarland Informatics Campus
Campus E1 5
66123 Saarbrücken

Tel: +49 (0)681 9303 9701

  Short Bio
  Long CV / Short CV

  Joining my group -- available positions

Foundations of Algorithmic Verification and Theoretical Computer Science; in particular:
  Decision, control, and synthesis problems for discrete and continuous linear dynamical systems (using tools from number theory, Diophantine geometry, algebraic geometry)
  Automated verification of real-time, probabilistic, and infinite-state systems (e.g. model-checking algorithms, synthesis problems, complexity)
  Logic and applications to verification
  Automated software analysis

  Publications   (see also DBLP)
  Teaching (2022/23): Topics in Algorithmic Dynamical Systems Theory

Professional Activities
  Invited Talks: CANT 25, Lorentz Center (July 25), YuBi60, Katoen @ 60, Fluid Dynamics, Geometry and Computer Science in Interaction, SymDynAr 24, Journées SDA2 24, One World Numeration Seminar (March 24), Theorietag 23, ROCKS Workshop 23, Henzinger @ 60, WORReLL 23, ACTS 23, SynCoP 23, FORMATS 22, AutoMathA 20/21/22, HIGHLIGHTS 21, MFCS 21, AG21, CiE 21, FSTTCS 20, LMV 20, CONCUR 19, CCA 19, TCSAG 19, AVM 18, DIMAP10, FoSSaCS 17, EQINOCS 16, Heilbronn Conference 2015, FFM 15, GDR-IM 15, TbiLLC 15, LMS/BCS-FACS 14, VTSA 14, GandALF 14, AISS 14, SCSS 13, FroCoS 13, FCT 13, LATA 13, RP 12, QMC 12, LSV15Y, Needham Lecture 2010, ICALP 10, MFPS XXVI, AVACS 10, VECoS 09, FORMATS 08, QAPL 06
  Program Committees: ICALP 25 (chair), ICALP 24, LATIN 24, ICTAC 23, Bellairs 23 (organiser), FoSSaCS 23, CONCUR 22, ICALP 22, DLT 22, HSCC 21, MFPS 21, CONCUR 20, MFPS 20, Gump Station 19 (organiser), MFPS 19, MFPS 18, FoSSaCS 18, LICS 17 (chair), MFPS 17, Bellairs 17 (organiser), Highlights 16, MFCS 16, MFPS 16, DCPS 16, Bellairs 15 (organiser), RP 15, RV 15, ICALP 15, MFPS XXXI, LATA 15, RP 14 (co-chair), SCSS 14, Dagstuhl Seminar 14141 (co-organiser), MFPS XXX, CSL-LICS 14, MFPS XXIX, WoLLIC 13, CAV 13, ESOP 13, MOVEP 12, QFM 12, CAV 12, VECoS 11, MFPS XXVII (chair), CONCUR 11, RTRTS 10, GPMFV 10, VECoS 10, FORMATS 10, MOVEP 10, EPEW 10, MFPS XXV, FORMATS 09 (co-chair), QEST 09, STACS 09, FORMATS 08, SPIN 08, QEST 08, FORMATS 07, PAuL 07, CSL 07, QAPL 07, HSCC 07, EXPRESS 06, FORMATS 06, LICS 06, AVIS 04
  Associate Editor: Journal of the ACM (JACM) (2023-present), Journal of Computer and System Sciences (JCSS) (2014-2023)

Research Group: Foundations of Algorithmic Verification
  PhD Students: Piotr Bacik, Joris Nieuwveld, Mihir Vahanwala
  Postdocs: Quentin Guilmant, Toghrul Karimov
  Former Members and Visitors

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